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    A couple days had gone by and Beam and Forth were practically the happiest couple on earth.

    Forth had remembered to speak with Beam about Tan and got things cleared up.

    Tan apparently had a wife and was quiet a few years older then Beam, but Forth's jealously was not convinced.

    But, he tried his hardest to push it aside.

    It was now New Years Eve and, as tradition, they were setting up for the New Years Party they have every year.

    Chula and Cha were hanging this up outside. Fame and Yuta were helping Fah in the kitchen.

    Charlie, was getting more decorations out of the garage.

    And, Beam and Forth were messing around in the living room.

    They were actually supposed to be setting up decorations, but they couldn't keep their hands off of one another.

    There was undeniable sexual tension. They hadn't had sex in two years, both waiting for each other, and now that they were reunited, it was hard to resist.

    They hadn't had sex since they decided to give their relationship another try.

    They were both a little hesitant and scared. They didn't want the other to feel pressured or rushed.

    But, that didn't stop them from touching one another, every chance they got.

    Beam was hanging a banner up above the fireplace. His arms reaching up caused his shirt to be pulled up, revealing a small patch of skin.

    Forth wrapped his hands around Beam's waist and pulled him down, catching him and wrapping his arms around his waist.

    He kissed all over Beam's face and neck, causing Beam to giggle and push Forth's as much as he could, not really using all his strength, though.

    "S-Stop." Beam tired to speak in between his laughs. "You're mom wants us to hang these decorations up. She'll murder us if we keep messing around." He said holding the sides of Forth's face so he could kiss his neck again.

    "But I don't want to." Forth whinned like a child, giving Beam his best pouty face.

    "To bad. Now, move those chairs so we can set up the extra table." Beam instructed him, pushing his arms off of his waist.

    Forth rolled his eyes but listened to his boyfriend.

    Thought it took want felt like eternity, the living room was officially done, and Beam and Forth were sitting on the couch, marveling at their hard work.

    They, of course, were the last ones done.

    Fah and Charlie had went to bed early, being that they had to get up early.

    Chula and Cha are just lazy, so they headed up to bed as soon as they were done.

    And, Fame and Yuta were upstairs, playing video games.

    Forth was sat on the end of the couch with Beam laying down, his head resting on Forth's leg.

    Forth's fingers were laced in Beam's hair, massaging his head softly.

    "Thank you." Beam spoke softly.

    "For what?" Forth questioned.

    "For everything." He said sitting up.

    He turned himself and took Forth's hands in his.

    "I feel like this is something I should say everyday, because it can never be said enough. Thank you for coming into my life and showing me that things do get better. For showing me that it's okay to be myself and to love. That it's okay to trust."

    Beam was looking down as he spoke. Forth used his fingers to pull Beam's chin to him, placing a small kiss on his lips.

    "I should thank you to. You're the best thing to ever happen to me." He spoke in a whisper, giving a small smile.

    Beam returned his smile and pressed his lips to Forth's again.

    Forth deepened the kiss my licking Beam's bottom lip, asking for entrance that was granted immideitly.

    They let their tounges dance around for a few moments before Beam let his be dominated.

    Beam wrapped his arms around Forth's neck and held him close.

    "W-Wait." Forth pulled away from the kiss, holding onto Beam's arms.

    "What's wrong? Did I do something?" Beam asked worrdily.

    Forth chuckled softly and shook his head. "No. Of course not. I just don't want to feel?like we are rushing this. I don't want to rush you."

    Beam smiled and shook his head as well. "We've been apart for two years. This deserves to be rushed. And you should never feel like you are rushing me. I want this." Beam gave a small smirk.


    "Yeah. Now, kiss me."

    Forth obeyed Beam's command and went back to kissing him.

    Moving to fast was thrown out the window when Beam pushed himself up and straddled Forth.

    Beam felt Forth's hands rub up and down his thighs.

    "Nuh uh. Nope."

    Both boys jumped at the sound of Fah voice.

    Beam moved off of Forth nd back onto the couch right.

    They looked up to see Forth's mother standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips.

    "Not in the living room. You each have a room. Take it to one of them. For heavens sake." She threw her arms in the air and took her leave.

    Both boys giggled as they listened to her retreat.

    They decided to clean up and go to bed.

    "My heaters broken. Can I come sleep in your room?" Beam asked, batting his eyelashes.

    Forth laughed and rolled his eyes. " You forget Yuta is sleeping in the room with me?"

    Beam smiled even wider. "How about your heater is broken?" He suggested.

    Forth shrugged his shoulders and tilted his head side to side. "I guess I should get my heater fixed."

    Beam laughed and pulled Beam inside, intertwining their fingers.


Thoughts on this chapter?

If you guys are wondering. They didn't have sex.

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