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    Beam and Forth sat across from one another at the breakfast table, the next morning.

    Neither one of them could stop themselves from smiling. It was like they were infected with a smiling disease.

     Well, maybe not the smiling disease, but they were infected with love.

    Last night, after the kiss, they just sat on the balcony, reminiscing over things that had happened in the past and getting caught back up with one another's life.

    "So, Beam, do you have to go to work today?" Fah asked as they were cleaning up the dishes.

    "Yes but I'll be back in time for dinner. Since I'm only basically a helper there, I work fewer hours."

    Beam knew that he didn't need to give the explanation to Fah, it was more of one for Forth, who was sitting at the island, listening to them talk.

    "I can take you, if you'd like." Forth offered with a small smile on his lips.

    Beam smiled and leaned against the island. "I would love that, but a coworker and I carpool. Saves gas." He said before turning away, not noticing the smile drop from Forth's face. "Speaking of, I should probably collect my things from upstairs. He'll be here anytime now."

    As Beam exited the room, Forth called to his mother, grabbing her attention.

    "What friend?" Forth questioned. "Is it a guy?"

    Fah laughed and shook her head. "No. We are not doing that. I will not end up being the mediator in your relationship. Speak to him about it." She said as she pointed up the stairs.

    Forth groaned and rolled his eyes as he headed upstairs to Beam's room.

    The door was open and Beam was stuffing things into his bag.

    Forth knocked on the door, making Beam stop what he was doing and look up at him.

    Their eyes met and Beam's face lit up brightly.

    "Hi." He said as Forth entered the room, closing the door behind him.

    "So, there was something I wanted to talk to you about." Forth said.

    Beam smiled and closed his bag.

    He walked over to Forth and hesitantly wrapped his arms around his neck.

    Forth couldn't help but smile, his mind pushing away the thoughts of talking about his friend.

    "If it's about last night, I meant to do that. It wasn't just somethung that was spur of the moment." Beam said smiling wide.

    "Yeah?" Forth asks with a slight nod.

    "Yeah. I was heart broken when you left. Now that you're back, it feels like I can be whole again. You made me trust again. You made me feel things again that I've never felt with hardly anyone. I'm in love with you and no amount of time or distance will change how I feel. So, I want to give this a try." Beam's eye were filled with emotion, but none of it was sad.

    Forth leaned down and kissed Beam softly. Beam returned the kiss and smiled against his lips.

    A honk sounded outside, making Beam pull away.

    "That's Tan. I have to go now." He said as he dropped his arms from their position around Forth's neck.

    He quickly grabbed his bag and giggled as he gave Forth a quick kiss on the cheek before rushing downstairs.

    "Who the fuck is Tan?"


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