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    Beam was sitting in the living room when his phone began to ring in his pocket.

    "Beam," Pha's voice called once he finally answered. "Want free movie tickets?"

    Beam laughed, confused. "What's the catch?"

    "No catch. Yo and I were gonna go, but he decided her woukd rather stay home and cuddle all night."

    Beam could hear the large smile Pha was wearing when he explained.

    Beam laughed again and shook his head.


    "Great. I bought them online so I'll just email the thing to you." Pha said before hanging up, not letting Beam even reply.

    A few seconds later, Beam's phone beeped and the digital tickets appeared on his screen. 

    Two tickets.

    As he looked over the picture, the front door opened and Forth walked in with his brother and Yuta.

    Beam took this as the perfect chance.

    He stood up quickly and caught them before they exited the entry way.

    "Forth." Beam called his name, causing him to turn around quickly.

    Yuta ushered Fame into the kitchen, leaving the two men alone.

    Beam smiled and held up his phone, showing a glimpse of the tickets to Forth.

    "Um, so, Pha has these movie tickets he isn't going to use anymore so he gave them to me. There's two so I figured I would ask if you wanted to attend with me."

    Beam let out a breath of relief after getting the sentence out with out stuttering or messing his words up.

    Forth smiled softly and nodded. "That sounds fun. I would love to."

    Beam nodded once with a smile. "Great. It's tonight at nine."

    Forth nodded once as well. "Great."

    They both stood there for a few more second before Beam made his departure to get ready for their movie.

    Neither one of them could help thinking of it as a actual date. Beam felt all giddy inside and Forth couldn't stop himself from smiling.

    They felt like teenagers again.

    Beam felt even more relieved at what Forth had confessed to him only hours before.

    Forth wasn't going to force him into anything. He was going to let him take his time.

    He wasn't going to take that much time, but he just wanted to make sure all the feelings were still there. He really didn't want to get hurt again. He couldn't afford to lose Forth again.

    They only had a short amount of time before th movie started, being that it was already 8:15.

    They spent the time they did have getting ready and trying to look their best.

    When they finally were finished and met downstairs, it truly felt like a first date.

    Forth was waiting by the door.

    He was wearing a plain white t, and a regular pair of jeans. His outfit was paired with combat boots and a real leather jacket.

    It was simple, but it was something that really made Beam love Forth.

    Beam was cascading out the stairs and a light blue button up and casual black pants, paired with black dress shoes.

    Fah, Forth's mother, was holding her hands close to her heart, and giving them the biggest smile she could.

    "Drive safe. Have a good movie watching." She said with a sly smile as she told them goodbye.

    Neither one of them said a word as they walked to the car, or on the way to the theater.

    Once they got there, they quickly took their seats before Forth stood up again.

    "Would you like a drink or something?" He asked in a low voice.

    "Just a drink please." He said, giving Forth a small smile.

    Beam didn't even have to tell Forth what to get him. Forth brought back a cup, filled to the top with Beam's favorite drink, tea, with no ice.

    Beam's heart couldn't help but skip a beat. He called his heart before turning his attention to the movie.

    Beam didn't know weather he should hate or love Pha.

    The movie they had picked out to watch was a scary movie. One that apparently required Beam to shove his face into Forth's arm to shield his eyes from the screen.

    Forth was surely loving Pha right now.

    His heart was beating a mile a minute and you could hear it two miles away.

    Forth couldn't help but let Beam have such a strong impact on him.

    The movie ended, much to both of their dismays.

    Once again, they didn't speak to once another on the way home, and they definanlty didn't speak about the way the touched during the movie.

    When they arrived home, all sorts of laughter was coming from the living room.

    Forth immediately recognized his father's voice.

    "Dad." Forth called him with such a wide smile, as they entered the living room.

    His father jumped up with a wide smile and hugged Forth tightly.

    "Forth, my son. How wonderful to see you again." He said as he pulled back.

    "Thank you. I missed you so much."

    "I hope you had a safe flight, Charlie." Beam said, speaking up with a small smile.

    "Oh, no need to worry, Beam. My flight was indeed safe and comfortable. Well, comfortable for the most part."

    He spoke the last sentence, making everyone in the room laugh.

    "Did you get enough sleep?"

    Beam was always one to care about others.

    Charlie laughed and shook his head. "I sure as hell did not. I would be sleeping now if I wasn't waiting for my son to get back. And, now that he is, I think I might sleep now." He said yawning deeply.

    Fah walked up beside him and took his hand in hers. "I'll come with you, my dear."

    "Goodnight, uncle." Beam said giving a small smile and a slight polite bow.

    Fah and Charlie walked up the stairs hand in hand.

    "Uncle? I'm still not father-in-law?" He asked, once they were out of earshot.

    Fah smiled wide. "In time, my dear. In time."


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