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    Throughout dinner, neither Beam nor Forth really spoke unless they were spoken to first.

    When dinner was over, Forth's mom made them both clean up the dishes.

    Forth could see through her plan. Actually, everyone could. Everyone knew what she was trying to do.

    It wasn't working though. Neither of them would speak to one another. Not that they didn't want to, they just didn't know what to say.

    After cleaning up, everyone got dressed and ready for bread. They were surprisingly tired for being so early in the night.

    Forth walked into the living room to see his mom sitting in the couch. He smiled and walked over.

    He sat down and laid his head on his mom's lap.

    "You didn't tell me he was living here practically." His mom sighed deeply.

    "I know. I wish I could say I'm sorry, but I'm not." She told him as she began caressing his cheek.

“It’s okay. I’m not as mad as I think I should be. I missed him. A lot.” I admitted. My mom chuckled.

    “I know you did, sweety. I also know that he misses you as well. He asks about you all the time.” She told me. I turn my head up to look at her.

    "Really?" He asks. She nods her head.

    “I wish I knew what to do.”

    “What do you mean?” She asked looking down at me. I shrugged.

    “I’ve been gone for two years. We’ve both changed. I have a son now.”

    “Honey,” She said making me sit up and look at her straight in the eye. “Yes, it is true that you both have changed, but you both are also still the same. So what if you have a kid. I’m sure Beam would love to get to know him, and I’m sure the same goes for Yuta. If you really love him like you say you do, then chase after him. Make him yours. Because I know for a fact that he is still so in love with you.” She finished talking and caressed my cheek. I smiled softly and nodded to her.

    “I really love him, mom.”

    “I know, sweety.” She said, pulling me into a hug.

    Mom and I stayed like that for a good ten minutes before she went into the kitchen to make lunch.

    I decided it was best if I went to bed as well.

    As I was walking up the stairs, Beam was walking down them.

    "H-Hey." He said quietly, stopping in front of me.

    "Hi. You aren't going to bed?" I questioned. He smiled and shook his head.

    "No. I usually help your mom clean up the kitchen before going to bed." He informed me.

    I nodded and we store there for a few moments in silence.

    "F-Forth?" He called my name quietly.

    "Yeah?" I was just as quiet.

    "Can I hug you?" He looked up from the floor and straight into my eyes.

    I didn't say anything. I just moved forward and wrapped my arms around Beam's waist, pulling him closely to me.

    He let out a breath of relief and wrapped his arms around my neck, hugging me back, tightly.

    I rested my face in the crook of his neck and breathed in his scent. It hasn't changed at all.

    We stood there for what felt like forever before we pulled away.

    "Goodnight." He said softly before removing his arms from around neck and continuing his walk down the stairs.

    I suddenly felt so cold.


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