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    Beam was sitting beside Forth’s bed, holding Forth’s hand tightly and laying his head on the bed. 

    It had been three days and Forth was still unresponsive. Beam was getting really worried. He was spending every night beside Forth’s bed, needing him to wake up.

    Yuta entered the room and took pity of Beam’s state. He had never seen Beam like this and never wanted to again. 

    “You should eat.” He said setting down a small to go bag in front of Beam. 

    Beam just sat there, noting changing his position. Yuta sighed and sat down in the empty chair next to him. 

    “You can’t continue on like this, Beam. I know you’re upset about dad, but he would be upset if he knew that you weren’t taking care of yourself.” Yuta tried to reason. 

    Beam let out a heavy sigh and sat up slightly. 

    His eyes were red and puffy. He looked like he hadn’t slept for days. In reality, he probably hadn’t. 

    “You’re right.” He said in a quiet voice as he let go of Forth’s hand and began to eat the food Yuta had set out for him. 

    “I know he’ll wake up.” Yuta said, trying his best to assure Beam that everything would be okay. “I know he’ll come back to us.” 

    “I don’t know what I’ll do if he doesn’t.” Beam said shaking his head. 

    Yuta sighed and leaned over to hug Beam tightly. 

    He wrapped his arms around Bea’s neck, bringing Beam’s head to his chest, hugging him closely. “You really love him, don’t you?”

    “You have to ask?” Beam asked with a small laugh. 

    Yuta smiled and shook his head. “No. I just wanted to make you laugh, and I guess it worked.” He said pulling back. 

    “Thank you, Yuta. You’re too mature for a fourteen year old. Are you sure you’ve spent the last two years with Forth?” Yuta laughed and shook his head. 

    “I’m sure. He’s taught me to be the person I am today. Before I met him, I was a shy kid who didn’t talk to anyone. He brought me out of my shell and taught me to trust people. I can see that he has had an impact on you as well.” Yuta rubbed Beam’s shoulder as he stood up. “I don’t think there is anyone else in this entire universe that belongs with my dad more than you do. Never give up on him.”

    Beam smiled wide and rested his hand on Yuta’s for a moment. “I won’t. I love him too much to do anything besides be with forever.” 

    Yuta gave Beam another warm smiled before exiting the room, leaving Beam alone, again, with Forth.

    Yuta believed that they would be in love forever so he had nothing to worry about. 


Thoughts on this chapter.

I apologize for not updating in so long.

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