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 3rd Person POV


    Beam stopped in his tracks when he heard and then seen Forth sitting in front of him.

    "Forth? H-Hi." He said softly. Forth's mom was the first one to speak up from the audience watching them.

    "Beam, thank you for bringing me the vegetables." She said taking the bag from Beams hands.

    "You're welcome." He said smiling.

    His gaze returned to Forth who's eyes never left Beam.

    "How long have you been back?" He asked clearing his throat.

    "Just got back not even two hours ago." He told Beam who nodded.

    "And we are glad you guys came home." Chula said hugging Forth's neck.

    "And we are glad you're staying." Cha said smiling wide hugging him as well.

    "How come he gets all the love?" Yuta asked, fake pouting.

    Chula laughed and hugged him as well. "Oh shh You know you're our favorite." She said causing him to smile wide and stick his tongue out at Forth.

    "I can ground you." Forth threatened. Beam chuckled softly behind them.

    "I thought only parents could ground their kids." He said making everyone go silent. He dropped his smile and shook his head. "What?"

    "Beam," Forth said calling his name. Beam heart skipped a beat, remembering how he called him before. "I think there's a lot we need to catch up on." He said jokingly. Beam smiled and nodded.

    "You're right. There is." He said nodding.

    "Well, Chula and Cha why don't you two go set the table outside. Yuta you can help Fame finish putting the presents under the tree. I'll just go clean......something." She said rushing everyone out if the kitchen, leaving Beam and Forth alone.

    "So." Beam said clearing his throat. "How have to been?"

    "I've been really good actually. What about you? We haven't talked since, well since everything happened and I left." Forth looked down at his hands that were folded and sitting in his lap.

    "I've also been really good." Beam said sitting down across from Forth. "I've been working at the local hospital with Pha and Kit. After you left I started seeing a therapist. She's helped me over come my fear of being touched." Forth cleared his throat and nodded.

    He has to admit, that knowing that he wasn't the only who could touch Beam anymore made him feel a little upset. That was their connection. That's what brought them together.

    "I'm really happy for you." Beam smiled and nodded.

    "Thanks. They, um, said that they're glad to have "you guys" home?" Beam looked at Forth confused. Hoping they weren't talking about a lover he had.

    Forth nodded. "Yeah. My son." Beam's eyes widened.

    "You have a son? Does that mean you have a lover as well?" He questioned. Forth laughed and shook his head.

    "No. He is my son, but I adopted him. He was the boy who was in here earlier. His name is Yuta." Forth informed him.

    Beam felt his heart slow down. He didn't know how he would feel if he heard Forth had a new lover.

    "You're staying?" He asked. Forth nodded.

    Neither one of them knew what to say. They hadn't seen in each for a while and now we're suddenly thrown together.

    Beam didn't know if he wanted to cry or hug him or kiss him. He could do none of those, though.

    What if Forth didn't feel the same anymore? What if he had lovers in the years they were apart.

    Beam couldn't blame him. Forth is an attractive guy that needs sex. Beam just hoped that that wasn't the case.

    "You help mom?" Forth asked, finally speaking up.

    Beam nodded. "I do. I have been since a little while after you left. She even invites me to the holidays and let's me stay during them."

    "You're staying here?" Forth asked, his heart skipping a beat. Beam nodded softly.

    They both fell into a silence again before Yuta came running into the kitchen.

    "Grandma said to get the food and being it outside." He said looking between the two of them.

    They both stole one last glance before doing what was told of them.


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