A/N - Let's get things started!

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[A/N: Heeello there to all of you guys. >.<
So I'd like to quickly clear how this fanfiction will work, and such.
First of all: if you don't like psychological horror thennn... Read the first few chapters if you want to, but after I gave a warning, go. Seriously. XD If things like blood, death, curse words, things about deep depression, cutting and so on bother you, once again: don't read.

If they don't, come on in, welcome to DOKI DOKI MUSIC CLUB!

Let me explain how this book will work.
The book's very start and some points - mainly where the game glitches out - will be written in your, as in YOUR, the player's/reader's POV. To your name I will be referring to as [RE/N], as in real name. You can either use a fictional name, or your REAL one - I recommend the second option for reasons. (Example for me: Alexa.)
Other parts of the book will be written in your, as in THE PROTAGONIST'S, the CHARACTER YOU ARE 'PLAYING' WITH's POV. Because this version will probably be present more often, I will be referring to your name here as the good old [F/N]. You can either take this as 'first name', as in what it really means, but you can also take this as 'fictional name'. To this, please use a fictional name that you'd type in if you'd play this game. (Example for me: Sakura.)

One other thing, is at some points, this book will be interactive. To those of you who know DDLC, you know that you have to write a poem at the end of everyday - you must choose the words that you think will be to your favorite character's liking. In the game after, you will get a cutscene with the girl who liked your poem the most.

Similarly, at the end of every chapter, you will have to write song lyrics for your amazing club. At these points, you will be given six different words ten times - each time, you must choose one word from the six options that you think will be either to Reiji's, Ranmaru's, or Camus' liking. Remember what words you chose. At the very end of each 'minigame', there will be a checking place, where you will see which two words were to which boy's liking. Count who you got the most words with. Then, read forward and when it comes to a place where the story is separated, read the boy's part who you got the most correct words with. No cheating! You are free to read the other parts after, but follow the supposed rules so you can enjoy the book to the fullest. But watch out, writing a song lyrics will not only give you a cutscene, but will also affect how much the boys like the lyrics you made!

Let's make a small tutorial, shall we? Choose one from the following words that you think your favorite will like! Watch out, because to fit the plot line, they may have some changes to their characters!

| rock |           | love song |

| delicately |           | misery |

| video games |           | snow |

Ready? Did you choose one?

Perfect! Scroll down to your results.


REIJI: love song, misery
RANMARU: video games, rock
CAMUS: delicately, snow

Congratulations! You wrote your first lyrics. Don't forget, this move will be repeated ten times at the end of every day. Choose the right words to please your favorite idol!

You will also be given some choices, but if you know DDLC, you know that most of them don't affect the story line.

Now that that's out of the way...

Doki Doki Music Club ✓ [DDLC x QN crossover x Reader] [INTERACTIVE FANFICTION]Where stories live. Discover now