d̴̨̤͉̝̯̙̟̀̂͆͜ͅA̴̭͕̘̰̖̞͎̻͐́̑́͌̇̊͘̕͜ͅŷ̶͍ ̸̡̞͕̟̣͎̰͉͓͌̐̈́̏̂̓͋̚̕͝2̴̡̳̲͚̖̱̩̜̉̋̑͂̍͐͂͝

99 2 11

"Hello again, [F/N]." Ai greeted me once I stepped into the clubroom. "I'm glad to see you didn't run away on us after all."
"No... Don't worry." I smiled at him. "This is a bit weird for me, yeah... But I keep my word."

Welp... Here I am again... the Music Club. I was the last one to come in, so everyone else is already doing their own stuff.

"Tha̶̧͎͙̍̋̊̀̌̽̄͊Ṅ̸̟̀̔̉̓͝k̵̤̣̜̳̩̲̈́̍̌̉͂͂͜ ̸̡͉͓̦̣̝̞͍̦̉Y̶͈͝ö̶͕́͆̈Ù̶̟̬͕̞͈̤͛͜ ̷͖̌͂͂̓̎̐̀̕f̶̧̛̟̳̝̀͒̊̑Ǫ̸̧̨̛̤̪̹̟̞͍̪̎̍̓̏͠

"Thank you for keeping your promise, [F/N]." Camus thanked me with a polite smile. "I hope this isn't too much of a pressure for you. Making you dive headfirst into music when you're not used to it..."
ş̵̦̦͇̭͈̼̄̊̎̿̋ͅh̶̡̖͙̻̳̗́̿Ų̵͇̞̲̱̐̈́͗̀̓̈́͊̍̋ţ̷̩̟̹̻͈͕̣̀̂́͆̎̀̎͝ ̸̹̪̮̥̋̈́̐̍̈́̓̃̚͠ỷ̷͓̞̻͘o̶̘̬͛̌̐̊̀u̸̼̘̟̟̅̎̓̽̅͊r̵͇͈̗̍͋͑͂̃̎̓͒̊̓ ̶̝̖̰̫̯̬̈́̆̚ṁ̸͍O̸̻͔̺̽̊̐̄̉̉̂̍́ų̴̭̹̗͇̝͉̈́̿̏̎͊̌́̚͝ͅ

"Oh come on! Like she would deserve any pity." Ranmaru snapped from somewhere. "You already had to be dragged here by Ai. I don't know if you just plan to come here and hang around or whatever the hell... But if you don't take us seriously..."
"Ranmaru, you certainly have a huge mouth for someone who keeps his CD and poster collection in the clubroom." Ai jerked in suddenly.
Ranmaru looked like he was stuck between the words 'Ai' and 'asshole'. Then, he shook his head.
"Rock music is the best you know!!"
Grumbling to himself, he plopped down on a random chair.
"I'm sorry, [F/N]..." Camus sighed. "We will make sure to put your comfort first."
He sent Ranmaru a cold glare.
"... In anyway. Now that you are part of the club... I thought I might as well bring you something. You asked me about books yesterday, correct? I picked out a book for you that I thought you might enjoy. I know this is a Music Club, but I thought you might be interested. It's a short read, so it should keep your attention. And... well... we could discuss it, if you wanted." he smiled at me calmly.

This is...!
Why is this guy being so attractive even when not actually meaning to!? He even picked out a book for me.... He clearly wants to kill me with blood loss through the nose. God dang it.

"Uh- t-thank you!!" I quickly jabbered once I returned to my senses. "I'll definitely read it!!"
I took the book with energy and placed it into my own bag carefully.
"That's a relief... you can read at your own pace. I'm looking forward to hearing what you think. "

Now that everyone's here and put their stuff down, I expected Ai to get out his schedule for the club's activities. But... that didn't seem to be the case. Camus' face was already buried in a book with an intense face expression on. And Ranmaru was rummaging around in the closet. 



I heard Ranmaru let out a groan from the closet. He seemed to be annoyed by something. I quickly approached him in case he needed a hand.
"Are you looking for something in there?" I asked him.
"fucking aimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" he grumbled under his breath. "Why can't he just my stuff back in the right spot?? I can't keep my collection organized if someone is just gonna mess it up..!"
He was putting a bunch of boxes and CD cases around the shelf.
"Rock music..." I mumbled.
"You like it too, right?" he looked at me.
"Oh- uh..." I yelped, tensing up. "A bit.... How did you know?"
"I heard you bring it up at some point. Besides... it's just kind of written on your face." he smirked. The heck's that supposed to mean...?
"I... see..."
I saw a CD case that wasn't with the rest of the cases. Curious, I picked it up.
"So THERE it is!" Ranmaru suddenly snapped beside me, snatching the case out of my hand. He then turned to a box of CDs and slipped it back to the rest. "Much better."
I looked at the box he just put it into a bit closer.
"Panic! At The Disco...?" (or any other random band)
I've never heard of this band before in my life... which must mean they are either really bad or way out of my leauge.
"Don't judge or leave, the door is there." he hissed, pointing at the classroom door.
"I wasn't judging anything...!" I waved my hands around. "I didn't even say anything!"
"It was the tone of your voice. But, let me tell you one thing, [F/N]." he looked straight into my eyes and smirked. "don't judge a bookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkk    kkk   kk k                           k   k. .
 In fact... You know what."
Ranmaru pulled out the very first album from the P!ATD box.
"Let me show you!"
He shoved it right into my hand.
"Oh..." I blinked at the cover. It was picturing five quite different figures sitting by a table. It's title was A Fever You Can't Sweat Out. It looked quite strange.
"Why are you just standing there?"

Ranmaru grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the closet. He stopped by the music player, put the CD in it, then sat down on the ground beside it, pulling me down as well. He plugged a pair of earbuds in the music player then placed one in his own ear, handing me the other half.
"Wouldn't chairs be more comfortable...?" I muttered with furrowed eyebrows.
"The cabel wouldn't reach there, baka. And we can't listen together then."
"Eh...?" I blinked, but then realized how short the cabel was. "Oh, I suppose we need to be quite close to each other..."
"..." he turned away. "I suppose..."
I slightly looked away myself and placed the bud in my ear and Ranmaru started the music. I also realized how Ranmaru inched closer to me by the second. A smile spread across his face, I could tell he was already enjoying the music. "How long has it been since I listened to this album..?" he muttered to himself.
"Hm? Don't you listen to their older albums sometimes?"
"Not really." he shook his head. "Maybe sometimes if I already listened to the newer ones... Hey, but are you paying attention to the music??"
I am, but it's quite plain, so I can talk at the same time.
We fell silent for a while. After a few minutes, I noticed that the bud fell out of Ranmaru's ear, yet he isn't moving and inch and he is just staring at me.
"...Are... you sure this isn't boring for you?" I slowly asked. He nodded.
"Even though I'm the only one who is listening and you are just staring at me?"
"..." he blinked, then noticed that the bud fell out of his ear. Seconds later, he shrugged, returning his gaze on my face. "I'm... fine with how things are now."
"..... If you say so..." I looked away, trying to return my attention to the song. "... I guess it's fun to share something you like with someone else. I mean, I always get excited when I get one of my friends to play something I like or listen to my favorites... You know what I mean?"
He looked at me questioningly.
"So you don't..."
He looked away. "That's not...!... Well... I can't really know. "
"... What do you mean?" I looked at him. "Don't you share your albums with the others?"
"Could you just not rub it in?" he hissed.
"Oh, s-sorry..." I yelped at his glare.
"Tch, like any of them would ever listen to these..." he grumbled. "They just think rock is for emo kids... I can't even bring it up without them being like... 'Eh? You still haven't quit your emo thing?' I sometimes just wanna, you know, punch them in the face..."
"Uuuugh, I know those kinds of people." I groaned. "It's so hard to find people who don't judge, not to mention who are also into it... You know, I'm kind of a loser, so I guess I just found myself other losers to hang out with. But, I guess it's harder for someone like you..."
"... Yeah, that's kind of right." he smirked.
.... Which part??
"I mean, I can't even keep it in my own room... My dad would beat the shit out of me if he found this." he looked down in front of himself. "At least it's safe here in the clubroom. Except that Ai is kind of a jerk about it..." he groaned with a roll of his eyes.
"Well... it paid off in the end, didn't it?" I looked at him, showing him the smallest smile. "I mean... here I am, listening to it. "
"... Well, it's not like that solves any of my problems." he grumbled with a red face.
"That may be so... But, you're at least having fun. Aren't you?"
"..." he looked away. ".... S-So?"
I giggled.
"Pfft, that's enough...! Just continue listening would you?" he snapped pointing at the bud which fell out from my ear as well.
"Oh... yeah, sure."
I put the bud back in my ear.

Doki Doki Music Club ✓ [DDLC x QN crossover x Reader] [INTERACTIVE FANFICTION]Where stories live. Discover now