Day 2 - abs, rock, and novels

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[A/N: Since I write the book on computer, the decorations might look weird when reading on phone. I apologize for that. I'm also sorry for the chapter's longness and any grammar mistakes, or any mistakes like the word 'poem' written instead of 'song'. Enjoy!]

"Hello again, [F/N]." Ai greeted me once I stepped into the clubroom. "I'm glad to see you didn't run away on us after all."
"No... Don't worry." I smiled at him. "This is a bit weird for me, yeah... But I keep my word."

Welp... Here I am again... the Music Club. I was the last one to come in, so everyone else is already doing their own stuff.
"Thank you for keeping your promise, [F/N]." Camus thanked me with a polite smile. "I hope this isn't too much of a pressure for you. Making you dive headfirst into music when you're not used to it..."
"Oh come on! Like she would deserve any pity." Ranmaru snapped from somewhere. "Reiji told me you didn't even want to join any clubs."
He walked over to me, glaring at me. "I don't know if you just plan to come here and hang around or whatever the hell... But if you don't take us seriously..."
"Ranmaru, you certainly have a huge mouth for someone who keeps his CD and poster collection in the clubroom." Ai jerked in suddenly.
Ranmaru looked like he was stuck between the words 'Ai' and 'asshóle'. Then, he shook his head.
"Rock music is the best you know!!"
Grumbling to himself, he plopped down on a random chair.
"Dooon't worry, you guys~" Reiji sang. "[F/N]-chan gives it her best as long as she's having fun. She helps me with work without asking! Like, cooking, or cleaning my bedroom..."
"Ah... how dependable." Camus smiled.
I rolled my eyes and glared at Reiji. "That's only because your room is always so messy it's distracting me, Reiji. And you almost set your house on fire once!!"
"Oh... Is that so...?" Reiji rubbed his neck with an awkward chuckle.
"Haha... you two are really good friends." Camus looked at us with a gentle smile. "I might start getting a little jealous..."
"Why? You and [F/N]-chan can become great friends as well!" Reiji chirped, hugging my shoulders.
"... Well..."
"R-Reiji-!" I tried to shush him and make him let go.
But, as usual, Reiji seemed totally oblivious to the weird situation he just put me into.
"Oh, right! Myu-chan even brought you something today~" he continued, making both Camus and me let out a yelp.
"Wait, Reiji...!" he tried to protest, his face turning the slightest pink.
"Eh... f-for me?" I blinked.
"... No, n-not really..." he looked away.
"Awwe, Myu-chan, don't be shy~" Reiji smirked, nudging on his arm.
"But it's really nothing..."
"What is it?" I asked as gently as possible, seeing that he is embarrassed about the situation.
"Nevermind, it's not important...! Reiji just made it sound like a big deal when it's not." he tried to appear calm, although his face got redder by the second. I also heard him mutter a "what should I do".
"Eh? Oh, s-sorry Myu-chan..." Reiji smiled awkwardly.

Welp... I guess it's up to me to rescue the situation... I feel like a babysitter now...

"Hey, uh... don't worry about it." I muttered. "Because... I wasn't expecting anything from you, so... it can only please me, right? I guess..."
"Is... that so." he muttered, taking a deep breath.
"Yeah... If you don't want it to be a big deal I won't take it as one..."
I wouldn't have expected this guy to get so embarrassed over something like this...
"Alright." he nodded. "Well... here."
Camus reached into his bag and pulled out a book, handing it to me.
"You just... seemed interested yesterday, so... I picked out something I thought you might enjoy. It's also a short read, so it should keep your attention. And... well... we could discuss it, if you wanted." he smiled at me calmly, his face returning to it's original color.
I could feel my face getting hot instead.

This is...!
Why is this guy being so attractive even when not actually meaning to!? He even picked out a book for me.... He clearly wants to kill me with blood loss through the nose. God dang it.

"Uh- t-thank you!!" I quickly jabbered once I returned to my senses. "I'll definitely read it!!"
I took the book with energy and placed it into my own bag carefully.
"That's a relief... you can read at your own pace. I'm looking forward to hearing what you think. "

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