This book is filled woth angst, fluff, smuts and more stuff. I hope you like the stories I wrote. Don't complain, I tried doing my best.
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•Scenario: Sunny hates being different and Changbin helped her to overcome it.
"You are too different to be in here. You don't belong in this school, neither do you belong in anywhere." Ava said as she walks away with her gang.
'I hate myself, why do I have to be so different? Why do I have to be so short?'
"Sunny! Are you okay?" Suddenly Changbin came.
"H-huh? Oh yeah, I'm totally great!" Sunny gave him a smile as she stood up and walked away with him behind her.
Yes, Sunny is very different than the others.
Her height was 1.54 cm. Her face isn't pretty like the others. And she doesn't like to wear dress and walk in heels.
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That is what she looks like. (Okay, Sunny is my favorite from SNSD so that is why I use her for this Imagine.)
"Good morning class!" Mr. Kim said as he put all his book down on the table.
"Good morning mr. Kim!" The whole class said in sink.
"Sunny, ms. Jung wanted to see you at her office right away." Mr. Kim said and she nodded before leaving the class.
She went to ms. Jung's office and knocked on the door before coming in.
"Oh yes. Sunny, I heard that you're being bullied. May I know why they bullied you?" Ms. Jung asked.
"Well, it's because they said that I'm too different to be in this school. I'm too short. Too ugly. And I don't like girly stuff." Sunny said looking down.
"Have they ever harm you before?" Ms. Jung asked again.
"A lot of time. Since they started bullying me. They started to abuse me." Sunny explained looking down.
"Thank you for telling me Sunny. I will take care of the rest. You should go back to your class now. Thank you." Ms. Jung said and Sunny bowed before leaving the room.
*After School*
"Hey Sunny! Let's go home." Changbin said and they both walked out of school.
Changbin bring Sunny to her place first before leaving.
She went towards her room and cried her heart out.
It hurts to be bullied at school. She cried almost everyday after school.
Her mother weren't home yet. She was busy at work.
Her father was on a business trip at USA. Suddenly the door opened and closes.
She looked who it was and it was her mother.
"Hey mom." She smiled as she walks to her mother and hugged her.
"Hello Sunny. How was school?" Her mother asked and she just looked away.
"Same like usual." Sunny said as she went towards the kitchen to cook dinner for her and her mom.
Suddenly the doorbell rang and her mother went to opened it.
When she opened it, she saw Changbin standing there.
"Oh, hello Changbin. What are you doing here?" Her mother asked.
"I'm here to see Sunny ma'am." Changbin said.
"She's in the kitchen making dinner. You should join us for dinner." Her mother said and Chanbin smiled.
"I would love too. Thank you." He said and she just returned the smile.
Her mother pulled him in and closed the door before going to Sunny who was cooking dinner.
"Sunny, your friend Changbin is here." Her mother said and Sunny turned around to see Changbin looking at her.
"Oh, hey Changbin." Sunny said as she turned to look at him.
"Hey Sunny." Changbin replied.
"Sunny. Why don't you bring him to your room and I'll continue your cooking." He mother said and she nodded before bringing Changbin to her room.
"You're being bullied aren't you?" Changbin asked. (Oh and BTW, Sunny already took a shower once she got home.)
"How do you know?" Sunny asked him back.
"It's already the trending school topic." Changbin said.
"Just ignore what they say Sunny. You are already perfect as you are. It's okay to be different." Changbin said and Sunny hugged him.
"Thank you for everything Changbin. You always helped when I have hard times." Sunny replied.
"It's nothing Sunny. That's what true friends do." Changbin said before hugging her back.