DisneyLand {I.N/Jeongin}

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•Scenario: Scarlett and Jeongin went to Tokyo DisneyLand together for the first time

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•Scenario: Scarlett and Jeongin went to Tokyo DisneyLand together for the first time.


"C'mon, hurry up." Scarlett said as she pulled Jeongin with her to the MRT in Tokyo.

"Why do we have to go this early?" Jeongin asked looking tired because he had to wake up early.

"So when we get there, we don't have to wait so long." Scarlett said and they went inside the MRT.

After the train they took out their ticket and put them in the machine before went to one of the busses that took them to DisneyLand.

Once they were there, they were amazed by the place. They never went to Tokyo DisneyLand before and they came on the birthday date of the place.

They saw Chip from Chip and Dale and took a picture with it before going inside the place.

They saw a stan that sold the mickey and minnie headbands so they decided to buy one for each of them.



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They went inline for the first ride which was Space Mountain

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They went inline for the first ride which was Space Mountain. The scariest roller coaster at DisneyLand.

Now it was finally their turn and Scarlet asked if they could sit in the first row and the worker let them.

She and Jeongin are now at the front, scariest position. The ride started and Scarlet was clapping like a seal.

Meanwhile when the ride fastened, Jeongin was screaming his lungs out. He was scared of this ride.

After the ride ended, Scarlett squealed while Jeongin looked like he was about to pass out any momment.

"Thank goodness I'm still alive." Jeongin said and Scarlett laughed really loud that was causing people to look at her.

"ごめんなさい (Sorry)" Scarlett bowed and they decided to go to the other ride which looked like a wild west ride.

The line was not as long as it was usually since it's still early. They took the front seat again and the ride started.

It was really fun and Jeongin wasn't as scared as when they were riding Space Mountain.

"That was fun!" Scarlett exclaimed and Jeongin just smiled.

Now they are infront the Pirate of the Caribbean ride and they were both too excited for this one.

They saw a painting of two people and Scarlet loves paintings. She had several in her house.

"How do you feel if there was a picture of your parents in your house and suddenly they started talking?" Scarlett asked.

"I would make a run for it." Jeongin said laughing.

It was their turn but this time they didn't get the first row and they were sitting one row with another couple beside that were sitting beside Jeongin.

Scarlett took a video of the ride and was about to post it on Instagram story but accidentally hit send it to her friend when the boat was going down.

She and Jeongin both laughed at her silliness and just continued watching the show in the Pirates of the Caribbean.

When they were done they walked past the shop and they saw a coin maker.

They each put 500¥ to make the coin. It turns out well. They were hungry and decided to eat first before continuing.

After they ate suddenly the noon parade started and they both went outside to watch it.

Scarlett took a video of it with the help of Jeongin who was carrying her on his back.

They went to the haunted mansion ride and Jeongin was really scared but after the ride he find out that it wasn't that bad.

They decided to spend the day here until 9 pm after the night show. It was the best day for the both of them.

They have had a lot of fun in DisneyLand together, they rode tons of rides and but tons of food and of course ate the most delicious dinner in DisneyLand.

For them tonight is a night that cannot the forgetten for the rest of their lifes together. Forever and ever. They will come back soon.

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