This book is filled woth angst, fluff, smuts and more stuff. I hope you like the stories I wrote. Don't complain, I tried doing my best.
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•Scenario: Nicole's brother were having a big fight with his friend and Nicole was told to calm him down. She got scared and ran away to her class, Minho noticed her crying.
"Let's write Bianca's ex." Jungkook, Nicole's brother's friend said. "Ooh! What about Nicholas." Taehyung said mentioning Nicole's brother.
As Nicholas walk in the class, he saw what his friends wrote in the paper.
"How dare you!" He yelled startling all the students in the class.
"Dude, it was just a joke." Jungkook said.
"Yea, bro. Don't take it seriously." Taehyung said. "You know I don't like her." Nicholas yelled.
"Bro, I said don't take it seriously." Taehyung stood up and touch Nicholas's shoulder.
"Don't touch me." Nicholas said pushing the hand away.
"You really have short temper." Jungkook said.
"What did you say? Short temper? Well I'm gonna show you what short temper is like." Nicholas said, he and Jungkook started to fight.
As Jungkook was trying to punch Nicholas, he grabbed his hand and twist it and let go as he knew that Jungkook still had classes.
The bell rang signaling time to go to class. Jungkook grabbed his stuff and walked out of the class.
As he walked out he saw Nicole, Nicholas's little sister.
"Hey, could you calm down your brother?" Jungkook asked.
"Uhm... sure?" Nicole replied. "Thanks." Jungkook thanked her and Nicole walked to his big brother's class.
"Hey, you okay?" Nicole asked. "What do you want?" Nicholas said with a harsh tone.
"I'm just here to calm you down." Nicole said softly.
"Get out." Nicholas said. "But-" Nicole didn't finish when her brother yelled at her.
"GET OUT!!! IT'S NON OF YOUR BUSINESS SO DON'T GET IN IT!" Nicholas yelled so loud making Michiko, his classmate tear up in shock and scaredness.
Same goes to Nicole, tears started to form in her eyes as she was so scared.
She was only trying to help but this is what happened.
She ran out of the class and to her own class which was the same floor level as Nicholas's.
She walked inside her class with her head down so no one could see her.
But one guy, Lee Know know's her too well. He walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder.
"Hey, are you okay?" He asked worried. "I'm f-fine." She said. "No you're not, what happened?" Lee Know asked.
"My brother yelled at me." Nicole said as she burst into more tears.
"So what?" He asked. "I'm scared. He's really mean, he almost slapped me." She cried out.
"Don't worry I'm here. Go wash your face." He said and Nicole nodded.
She walked towards the girl's bathroom and saw her friends in there. "Hey, what's wrong?" One of them asked. "My brother yelled at me." She said.
"It's okay Nicole, everythings gonna be alright." She smiled to her friend and washed her face before drying it and walked back to her class.
"Here." Lee Know gave her a beautiful keychain as she sat down on her chair next to Minho. "Thank you." Nicole smiled.
Class started to go by smoothly and Nicole started to forget the incidents and her face was already back to normal.
As she was on her locker picking her book for the next class.
She colsed her locker and turned around. Suddenly Lee Know was infront of her.
He put one arm on her side touching the locker as he looked at her.
"You feeling better now?" He asked. "Yea. Thank you for calming me down Lee Know." She smiled.
"Hey, that's what friends do you know." He said and they both giggled together.