Australia {Hyunjin, Changbin, Jeongin}

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Okay, so as you guys may know... I am a huge Fisney and Nickelodeon fan. So this one I wanted to make something based off one of my favorite TV Show Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, and Dawn.


•Scenario: Jeongin, Changbin, and Davine thought that Hyunjin send himself to Australia

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•Scenario: Jeongin, Changbin, and Davine thought that Hyunjin send himself to Australia.


"C'mon guys we have to get back to the store." Davine said as she walked down the stairs. Suddenly Jeongin came out from the kitchen.

"Oh... Interesting, your secret cashtash is in the kitchen. Bet I can guess where." Davine said. "No way." Jeongin denies it.

"Tin catle (I seriously don't know how to write it so sorry for my bad english.)" Davine guessed. "Shoot." Jeongin mumbled.

"Then I'll just use my other secret hiding place." Jeongin said. "Red box." Davince guessed again. "Shoot." Jeongin mumbled for the second time.

"Then I'll just use my other se..." He was cutted off by Davine guessing, "Sugar bowl.". "You're a witch!" Jeongin said.

"Guys, we have a problem," Changbin said going down the stairs.

"Hyunjin's not upstairs and all his clothes are missing. And I fiund this." Changbin said showing a bubble wrap.

"So? We all know he loves popping bubble wraps." Davine said. "Or... He box himself up, and mailed himself to Australia." Changbin said.

"What?" Jeongin said. "Why would you think that?" Davine asked.

"I was so tired of him talking about how Australia's toilets flushed the opposite way, I may have maybe kind off suggested that he box himself up and mail himself to Australia to find out." Changbin said.

"That's ridiculous. How is that even possible?" Davine said. "I'll tell you how," Changbin said.

(Now after this is only like the one how the movies explain but with a different scene. You get what I mean.)

Hyunjin was in a box with a tape and tried to tape the box himself with him inside it.

(Scene done)

"That's how." Changbin said after explaining. "Even if he could box himself up, someone would still have to give it to a delivery person, who would do that?" Davine said and Jeongin nodded in agreement. "I'll tell you who," Changbin said.

(Different scene again)

"Here for pickup." A mail-woman said as their dad opens the door. "Oh, this suppose to be it. My wife's probably returning a bunch of shoes." Their dad said.

The woman nodded and tried to pick up the box but it was too heavy. "Wow this sure is heavy for shoes." The woman said.

"Yeah, well shoes are really big feet." Their dad said and chuckled. The woman tried to push it this time but failed again.

"Here, let show you. You gotta bend your legs like this." Their dad said and stood up again. Then the woman tried to pick it up again.

(Scene done)

"That's who." Changbin said. "Listen, I'm sure Hyunjin is just pranking us. Right now we have to get back to the line to get our SANT-Force." Davine said.

"By the way you may wanna move your secret stash, I bet it's in your socks drawer." Davine said. "No, it's not." Changbin replied.

"Far right beside the badazle tie box." She continued. "Witch." Changbin said, more like a whisper.

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