Camp {Stray Kids} pt.3/final

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•Scenario: Ilsa and Stray Kids were going on a school camp a day before her birthday

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•Scenario: Ilsa and Stray Kids were going on a school camp a day before her birthday.


Ilsa's POV

I woke up to get ready for morning devotion. We had our morning devotion inside a tent while yesterday we had our morning devotion in a big rock. 

Our group always takes unoriginal places because other groups we're outside.

Some standing up near the trees. Some in the open sky sitting on the green grass. Some sit on the table. 

Today we were suppose to pray for each other and that is technically what we do. After morning devotion we went to our room to shower.

We wore our technical uniform since in the camp we always where something else. We took our group picture and my group was doing dab. 

After that we change to something else and went outside. We have our outbound (You know what I mean, it's the game we do outside) and it was super fun.

First we have to get in the right position of what we were asked to do but we cannot walk trough right or left it's just front or back. 

Second we played something I don't know what it's called but it was from bamboo.

One person which is Bangchan have to stand in the bamboo to control it and the others make it move by pulling it with a robe. Oh and by the way we used gloves. 

Third we went to the cafe where we have make a bridge out of bricks. It was hard.

Changbin ever tried first and Felix was following from behind they have to stand in one brick and that's why Felix back hugged Changbin.

He was laughing and so does the others including me. 

Secondly Felix tried and Jeongin followed behind. They were facing each other and Jeongin hugged Felix to prevent from falling.

All of us laugh except for the 2 of them. Then they tried it again but now they were holding hands still facing each other.

Of course we failed and so does the other group. They were literally planning for the boys to carry the girls. 

Forth we have to go to the swimming pool. It was really fun.

We are assigned to sit on a small boat and have to keep our balance by pulling the rope to make it move.

And everytime Hyunjin tried it he always fall into the water. I tried like 2 times and becuse of Hyunjin I fall once.

The second time I tried it with Felix, we did it! We were all soaking wet because of the water. 

Bangchan was planning to just stay in the water. Me and Jeongin decided to splash him with water and he swims off but his feet splashing the water which hit me and Jeongin. We shouted at him while he laughed at us. 

The fifth we're assigned to take the ball and place it in the basket. One person have to be in the middle which is Jisung inside the hoop blindfolded.

While the rest of us hold the hoop but with a rope and we have to control the person so he doesn't touch the hoop.

We failed and Minho said something unpleasant to Jisung and it made him mad. 

He left and got away. Me and the others followed him and we stop at our last game which is one persong have to be in the middle as the king and that person is Woojin.

The rest of us have to guard him and he cannot touch the ball. Our group wins and it was done. 

The last thing we do was having lunch at the garden. One group get a large amount of food. After eating we went swimming.

It was really fun until when we were back at our room. The floor were all soaked wet. After done bathing, we went to the hall for our goodbyes. After that we went home.

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