CampFire {Seungmin}

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•Scenario: Emily was scared because her friend told a scary campfire story

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•Scenario: Emily was scared because her friend told a scary campfire story. So she asked Seungmin's help for her to sleep.


"Okay kids, let's sit together around the campfire and make smores." Ms. Hwang said.

The all huddled up around the campfire and Emily was sitting next to her best friend, Seungmin.

"Who wants to tell a scary story?" Mr. Choi asked and Tzuyu raised her hand.

"Did you guys hear about the one about The Bride in the Trunk?" Sana asked and everyone shook their head no.

"A young couple, both 18, decided they would get married after they finished high school. The father of the bride lived in Palm Beach in a mansion and was able to afford a big wedding for them. To make a long story short, they got married and the wedding was beautiful. After the wedding, they had a big reception in an old building and everyone got fairly drunk. When there were only about twenty people left, the groom decided that they should play hide-and-seek. Everyone agreed and the groom was "it." While he covered his eyes, they all found hiding spots. After about twenty minutes everyone had been found except the bride. The guests looked everywhere and tore the whole place apart looking for her. A few hours later the groom was furious, thinking the bride was playing a terrible trick on him. Eventually, everyone went home.
A few weeks later the groom, having filed a missing persons report, gave up looking for her. Heartbroken, he tried to go on with his life. Three years later a little old woman was cleaning up the old building, where the reception had been held. She happened to be in the attic and noticed an old trunk. She dusted it off, and, out of curiosity, opened it. She screamed at the top of her lungs, ran out of the building, and called the police. Apparently, the bride had decided to hide in the trunk for the game of hide-and-seek. When she sat down, the lid fell, knocking her unconscious and locking her inside. She suffocated after a day or so. When the old woman found her, she was rotting, her mouth hanging open in the shape of a screAM!" Sana said the last part scarily and Emily screamed and hugged her best friend.

"You okay?" Seungmin asked. "I don't think I could sleep tonight." Emily replied. After the campfire all of them went to their cabins.

Emily went to hers and laid down on her bed. Ber eyes were still opened staring at the ceiling with a scared eyes.

She stood up and opened her phone to call Seungmin.

"What?" Seungmin asked through the phone. "I-I can't s-sleep." She said. "Why? Was it because of that scary story Sana told?" He asked again and she nodded but forgetting that he couldn't see it she answered, "Yes".

"I'll come to your room." He said and hung up thr phone. She suddenly heard a knock and she got out of my bed slowly before opening the door and saw Seungmin.

He got inside and set on her bed pulling her along. They both laid down and snuggled there while Seungmin was singing her a lullaby making her sleepy.

She closed my eyes drifted off to sleep. Seungmin smiled and closed his eyes drifting off to sleep with her.

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