Fear {I.N/Jeongin}

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•Haruka has a phobia

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•Haruka has a phobia. She has a phobia of going outside. No one knew about it, not even her closest friend Jeongin. One day Jeongin asked her to go out with him. She was scared to death.


Haruka was laying on her bed sleeping peacefully until Jeongin came in and wake her up with his natural dolphin scream.

"Defuq, Jeongin?" Haruka yawned after waking up being annoyed by her friend.

"I brought you food to eat for lunch." Jeongin said.

"And what food did you bought?" Haruka asked as she sat up still half asleep.

"Chicken Nuggets." Jeongin smiled and bring Haruka her lemon water.

"Thanks" She took the water and chugging it all.

"You should go change." Jeongin said before walking out of her room.

Haruka stood up and walked towards her
closet and picked an outfit for today. She wore a white oversized sweater and shorts.

She brushed her hair and tied it to a ponytail before going outside to the living room where Jeongin was waiting for her.

"You done changing? I made you breakfast. Eggs and bacons, your favorite." He smiled while serving her the food.

They both started eating their breakfast before Haruke brushed her teeth.

As she was still in the bathroom, Jeongin was sitting on the table chair deep in thoughts.

He likes Haruka, but he doesn't know how to confess her. Maybe once she walked out of there he should just hug her. Yeah, that's a marvelous idea.

He waited infront of the bathroom door until Haruka gets out. Once the door was open and Haruka was about to came out, Jeongin embraces her.

"Woah, what's with the sudden hug?" Haruka asked.

"It's okay if you don't feel the same way but Haruka Kishimoto, I like you, no wait, I love you for a long time now. It's fine that you wouldn't feel the same way. But I'm just glad that I can tell you." Jeongin said.

Suddenly Haruka pulled him into a deep kiss. The kiss was soft yet passionate.

"I love you too, Jeongin." Haruka replied smiling.

"So, would you be my girlfriend?" Jeongin asked her.

"I would love to be your girlfriend." Haruka smiled.

"So would you go out with me?" Jeongin asked, that question made Haruka freezes.

She has a phobia of going outside, she hasn't gone outside since like 6 years ago.

She always asked Jeongin, her closest friend to buy her things with her money, but he didn't have a problem with that at all.

"Like outside outside?" Haruka asked. "Yeah." Jeongin replied.

"O-Okay." This was the first time Haruka stepped out of her apartment in 6 years.
They went out of her room and to the lobby where Haruka with shaky hands gripped the handle to open it.

She opened the door and was bout to step out but walked back in again, and that happens five times until she was about to walk out for the 6th times, her feet was already on the outside ground but quickly closed the door and breathing heavily like she has ran from zombies.

"Are you okay?" Jeongin asked worried. Tears started to run down her face.

"I'm sorry." She broke down into more tears. "Waoh! What are you sorry for?" Jeongin asked worriedly.

"I have a phobia of going outside." Haruka replied. "Why?" Jeonging asked again.

"When I was 11 I was bullied by a lot of people and a lot of people hated me. When I grow 12 I started to lock myself in my apartment. I was fine if I'm inside the apartment building but I can't go outside." Haruka told the whole story.

"Let's go back to your room." Jeongin said and carried her bridal style back to her room.

He opened the door with the key that she gave him and placed her on the couch.

"Love, I'm sorry I made you go outside." Jeongin said.

"No, it's okay. Can we just watch a movie while eating popcorn for our first date?" Haruka asked.

"Of course." He smiled and gave her a kiss in the forehead before she turned on the TV and they did a Disney Movie Marathon, it was fun.

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