Burger Milkshake {Chan, Felix, Hyunjin, Lee Know, Nayeon, and Jennie}

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•Scenario: Felix making a drink that is from a food ingredients, there is a rat in the spaghetti & pudding

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•Scenario: Felix making a drink that is from a food ingredients, there is a rat in the spaghetti & pudding.

•Note: This is a story of the 6 of them. Chan, Felix, Jennie, Hyunjin, Lee Know, and Nayeon. Chan is a teacher in here.


"Woah! That's amazing! Do I tasted ketchup and mustard?" Jennie asked as she tried the drink Felix brought from home.

"Give it a second and you'll taste radish." Felix said.

"I don't taste any... there it is..." Jennie said tasting the radish taste that is in her mouth.

"You got pizza, fried chicken, and thanksgiving dinner." Felix said pointing Lee Know's first then Hyunjin's then Nayeon's.

"Woah, I can taste the pepperoni. I've been eating everything wrong." Lee Know said.

"That's crazy good! Is that gourmet stuffing? It's like thanksgiving at my grandmas, without all the cats screaming." Nayeon said.

Hyunjin looked at his drink with a disgusted look.

"Hyunjin?" Felix said as he looked at Hyunjin.

"No way. I don't want all the dice when it comes to food, I'll stick with good old reliable cafeteria spaghetti." Hyunjin said and began to eat his spaghetti.

Suddenly a scream was heard.

"A rat! There's a-a gross nasty rat swimming in the spaghetti's salt!" Jugyeon the cook-lady said as she ran to the cafeteria and went up to the cafeteria table.

Hyunjin as he heard that he spits out the spaghetti in his mouth and it spreads all over Nayeon's face.

The three friends were looking at them with a shocked face.

"S-Sorry Nayeon. Here's some napkins." Hyunjin apologized handing Nayeon the napkins which Nayeon took it harshly.

"Jugyeong, I'm sure there is no rat in my school." The principal said.

"What with all the commotion?" Mr. Chan asked as he came inside the cafeteria.

"There's a rat in the spaghetti." Jugyeong said.

"Good thing I ate the teacher spaghetti and not the kids spaghetti." Mr. Chan said.

"It's from the same pot." Jugyeon exclaimed making Mr. Chan spits his spaghetti and spread all over Nayeon's face again.

"Mr. Chan!" Nayeon said looking at Mr. Chan.

"It's okay! It's teacher spaghetti!" Mr. Chan said to defend himself.

"Ridiculous! During my 10 years, Treffis Prep has never gotten lass than an 80 rating from the health enspector. Mr. Chan, wipe your face and come with me." The principal said as Lee Know came and gave more napkins for Nayeon for her to clean up.

Mr. Chan wiped his face and walked with the principal inside the school again. (The cafeteria is outdoor)

"At least I still got my trusty pudding." Hyunjin said and ate his pudding.

"There is a rat! Now it's in the pudding!" Mr. Chan said as he ran up to the table with Jugyeong.

Hyunjin suddenly got up and pushed Lee Know away from the trashbin but didn't know that he sprayed to Nayeon's face again.

"OH, COME ON!" Nayeon shouted as she was really irritated by the spraying on her face.

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