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Chaeyoung's pov
Did he just hug me?omg my heart.Ahh why can't I just forget him.My stomach growl.I should eat.I run to kitchen make some ramen.I eat it while watching drama.And then my phone buzz.
Taetae:hey chaeng.
Chaengie:whats up.
Taetae:Can I hang out with u tomorrow after school.
Chaengie:Okay and where
Taetae:at my house.
Chaengie:Did your know this?
Taetae:No.I will tell her tomorrow.
Chaengie:okay bye.
Its already 7 pm and momo unnie didn't come back yet.May be she is enjoying her time with her crush.I am watching drama while waiting for momo unnie.After awhile momo unnie comeback and it is already 9pm.I go to her."Having a great time with your crush huh"I tease her and her face is red like tomato."Stop it chaeng.Aren't u going to sleep"momo said."I am waiting for u and I am going to sleep goodnight"I said and go to my room.I lay on my bed and start thinking about taehyung again."goodnight taehyung"I said and go to sleep.
Next morning at school
I am going to my class and I see irene and taehyung arguing.I go near to them and listen to their conversation."U don't have time for me because of her."irene said."Don't say like that u have a time me before u transfering to school."taehyung said."Now I have a time for u but u"she said."I didn't hang out for a long time.So I hang out with her what is your problem.U don't even free after school beacause of your shitty skin care.You don't even care about me.You only care about your look and skin."he said."I care about u and what is so special with her.I am more beatiful than her."she said."Stop it.I am so done with u."he said and go to class angrily.I sigh and go in to my class.I sit beside jimin."hey how are u jimin."I said."I am good and u"he said while smiling at me."I am good too."I said."Can u give me your number?"he ask me cutely.I just gigle and give him my number.
Taehyung's pov
I am not in my mood cause I argued with Irene.I turn around and see jimin acting cute to chaeng and chaeng gigle.I don't know why but I feel jealous.Why I am os weird when I am near her?You are driving me crazy chaeng.Am I fall in love with her?No it can't be I love irene.But she is really different to Irene.Ahh I don't know.and then the bell rang.
At lunch(chaeng's pov)
I am eating with momo unnie and jhope oppa.and then jimin and taehyung come and sit beside me.Taehyung is on my right side and jimin is on my left side."chaeng I think u should date someone"momo said and I cough on my food.Jimin give me water and I am going to drink it but taehyung grab and drink it."Unnie I am not ready to date someone"I said."But I think you are ready to date someone."momo said."Aish I am full bye and just go home by yourself I am hanging out with tae"I said and momo just sigh.I go to classroom think about taehyung.Did he just argue with her because of me?I should reject him.I am just afraid he will hurt because of me."Hey chaeng are you okay"jimin said while waving his hand infront me."Umm yes I am okay"I said while smiling."You are cute"jimin said and pinch my cheek."Stop it Its hurt"I said while pouting."okay okay but you are really cute"he said. I glance at taehyung and he is looking at us angrily.What wrong with him he is weird.After awhile the bell rang and the teacher come in.
After school(taehyung's pov)
I am wating for chaeng at the gate cause she is talking with jimin.After awhile she come.I hold her hand and go to my house."Can u close your eyes"I asked her."yes but why"she said and I close her eyes with my hand and lead her to my living room.I remove my hand and she open her eyes."suprise!!"I said and show her a puppy."omg it is so cute"she said while huging the puppy."cute"I said in low voice."huh what did you say"she said."nothing btw I bought it for u.Its name is yeontan"I said."But I can't take it to my house cause momo have a allergie with dog."she said while.She is so cute.You are driving me crazy chaeng."Its okay I will take care of it"I said.We are playing with yeontan and It is already 8:30pm."omg its already late I will go home now"she said."I will take u home"I said."okay"she said.While we are walking"so cold"she said freezing in cold.She is so cute.I gigle and hold her hand and put it in my pocket.We reach at her house."I will go inside now"she said and about to go in.I hold her wrist and pull her into tight hug."W--what are u doing tae"she said."shh just stay like this for awhile I am cold"I said.After a few second."Can u let me go now"she said.I let her go and look at her.She is red as tomato."So cute now go inside bye"I said while waving her."bye "she said waving at me and go inside.I am on way to home.I see Irene kissing a man.But I didn't even hurt.I go to her"I didn't know that you are a slut."I said."Tae let me--"I cut her off."Lets break up and U know what chaeng is way more better than u."I said and I go to my house quickly.How can she do this to me.But I am even hurt but why.I didn't feel jealous when she is with other guy but chaeng I feel jealous when she is with other guys.Ahh my mind is mess up.Do I love her??
Thanks for reading.I will upload part4 tomorrow or on wednesday.Sorry for my low english.

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