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Chaeyoung's pov
"Chaeng wake up!!wake up or we will late for school"momo said.I get up and do my morning routine.I go to kitchen."unnie where is my food"I said."no breakfast for today cause we r late and there is no creal.It too late to cook"momo said."okay"I said.
At school
I am walking to my class with momo unnie."CHAENG WAIT!!"We turn around and Its kim taehyung aka my bestfriend.He run to us."You r late.btw where is jhope oppa"I said."I am here"jhope appear out of nowwhere,"OMFG You scare me!!"I said.and the bell ring."ohh sh*t we r late"momo said.we ran to our class and the teacher is not still there."thanks god"I said while panting and I go to my seat.I sit with taehyung cause momo is in a different class."I think we are not late"taehyung said."yea"I said."btw how is your girlfriend"I ask him and he sigh."Good but when I ask her to hang out she said that she is busy"he said while sighing."Its ok just give her time."I said while cheering him.and the teacher come in.
At lunch
Taehyung's pov
I am walking with phone ring.And Its irene aka my girlfriend and I sigh."hello what do u want"I said."I just want to go on a date with u after school.I am free today"she said."Really"I said."yes"she said."Ok I will pick u up bye"I hang up .
Chaeng's pov
Me and taehyung are walking.His phone rang.I wait for him to hang up."It is your girlfriend"I ask him and he nod."what did she say"."she said she want to go on a date after school"he said while smiling.It really hurt me."Ohh you really love  her aren't u"I ask him."Yes she is like a angle in my eye"he said which make my heart broke into million pieces.while we r walking."Taehyung I think I am not hungry so just go by yourself "I said."Okay"he said and go to u really changed kim taehyung.U don't even ask me that I am okay or not.I can feel my tears are rolling down and I whip it away and I go to my class.
Momo's pov
Me and jhope are waiting for chaeng and taehyung.after awhile taehyung come"where is chaeng"I ask him."She said that she is not hungry"he answer and I am shock."What do u mean!!how can she not hungry!?!we didn't even eat our breakfast cause we r late"I said."But she said she is not hungry"taehyung said."how well u know about her"I said while calming down."I know about her"taehyung said."Its not time to fight with u"I said.I am really worry about her cause she is not like that.I know that she likes taehyung and when she know that taehyung is dating she even locked her self.I can't even eat my luch anymore and I go to chaeng's class.
Chaeng's pov
I sat at my seat while crying.Ahh son chaeyoung why can't u stop loving a person that can't be with you.Ahh stupid me.lets forget him.He think me as a bestfriend not any more than bestfriend.I whipe my tears away and I put my head between my arms trying to take a nap."chaeng r u okay"momo ask."I look at her and she saw my swollen eyes."Are u crying chaeng?"she said in worry tone."No I am not"I said."R u okay"she said."Yes I am really ok"I said while faking smile."No u r not.don't lie to me.I know u very well.what happened"she said.I told her everything."Its okay chaeng don't give up hwaiting"she cheer me up."unnie go to your class now the bell is gonna ring"I said."Oh u r right I will go now bye"momo said."bye"I said while waving at her.After a few minutes the bell rings.Taehyung come in with milk and bread and sit beside me."take this I know u r hungry"he said while smiling at me."thx"I said while smiling at him."Silly what if I don't brought you some food."he said."then I will eat later at my house."It is not good for you health u know"he said in a worry tone."Ohh I know mom"I said while laughing."Btw my g---"taehyung cut off by teacher come in."Tell me later"I whisper at him."Ok"he whisper back.
After school
Me and taehyung are waiting for momo and jhope."so what are you going to tell me"I ask him."ohh I just want to tell u my girlfriend is going to transfer here tomorrow."he said.JUNGSHOCK!!
SORRY FOR LOW ENGLISH.I will upload part2 tomorrow or at friday.

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