part (5)

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At chaeng house
"So u are dating taehyung"momo said."No,I am not dating taehyung.He doesn't even like me."I said."Come on he likes u"momo said in teasing tone."btw what make u think taehyung and me are dating?"I said."I saw u and taehyung hugging for 2 times."momo said."WHAT?!?U SAW IT?"U said."Shh my poor ear will deaf and Yes I saw u two hugging."momo said."nevermind Bestfriends can hug if they want."I said."Okay okay"momo said.I go to my room and I lay down on my bed and start to think about taehyung"Jog with me or I will kiss u"Those word keep coming on my mind.and then my phone buzz.
Chimchim:hey chaeng.
Chaeng:whats up
Chimchim:come to xxxx cafe at 3 pm.
Chaeng:okay but why
Chimchim:Did u forget about the project??
Chaeng:no.I will tell it to tae.bye.
And then I text tae.
Chaeng:hey tae
Tae:miss me already😘😘
Chaeng:what no.Come to xxxx cafe at 3pm.
Tae:why?u want to go on adate with me😘😘
Chaeng:stop it tae.We will do our project at that cafe.bye.
I close my phone and I look at my watch it is 12pm so I decide to sleep."CHAENG WAKE UP ITS ALREADY 2:30.AREN'T U GOING TO EAT."momo said."huh 2:30"I said."Yes its already 2:30."momo said.Omfg I quickly get up and ran to my bath room.I take a quick shower and wear this

I take a quick shower and wear this

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And then I ran to downstair."Unnie I am not going to u eat first."I said while wearing my shoe.I ran to the xxxx cafe.I enter the cafe and I see taehyung and jimin waiting for me."Sorry I am late."I said."Its okay" jimin said.We start doing project.After one hour we finished it."I will go first.bye"jimin said."Okay bye"I said and wave at him.He wave me back."I will go now bye"I said.I am about to go and taehyung hold my wrist."I will send u home."he said."okay"I said.Me and taehyung are walking suddenly taehyung grab my hand and pull me closer to him.And I see a motorbike cross us with a fast speed.And my heart is pounding fast."Are u okay?"taehyung said."Y-y-yes I am okay"I said.We reach to my house."Bye I'll go now."taehyung said."Okay bye."I said and go inside."I am back"I shout."Oh finnally u are back.Did u eat?."momo said."No,I am hungry"I said while pouting."I made kimchi stew.Eat it."momo said.After I ate it,I watch K drama.I look at my watch and Its already 7pm so I go to my room.I am playing game when jimin text me.
Chimchim:hey chaeng lets hang out.
Chimchim:I will pick u.tell me your address.
Chimchim:get ready I will be there soon.
I get up from my bed and change into this.

I get up from my bed and change into this

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And I go downstair."Where are u going?"momo said."I am hanging out with jimin."I said."oh okay"momo said and go to her room.I am playing games waiting for jimin.Suddenly taehyung text me.
Tae:hey chaeng wanna hang out with me and jhope hyung.
Chaeng:sorry I can't hang out with u cause I am busy.
Tae:oh okay bye.
And then the door bell rang.I open the door."Sorry I am late"jimin said."Its okay."I said.We go into his car."Where are we going?"I ask him."You will see"he said.After awhile we arrived at that place."Why don't u tell me we are going to nightmarket?"I said."why?u don't like nightmarket??."he ask me."No I love it.come on"I said and drag him with me."Lets try this"I said pointing at some juices."okay"he said and buy that.After awhile we are walking while eating our candy cotton."c--chaeng"someone said.I turn around see taehyung with jhope oppa."t-t-taehyung"I said."So u refuse me to go with how can u do this to your own bestfriend."he said in angry tone."Tae I can--"I am cut off by him."I am so done with u.I don't want to talk to u"he said and left."Taehyung wait for me"jhope said and follow him.I cry when he said he don't want to talk to me."J-jimin I want to go home now"I said while sobbing."Okay"jimin said and we both go inside his car."Don't worry its going to be fine"he said and cheer me."thanks for cheering me"I said.after awhile we arrived at my house."Jimin I will go now.thanks for today"I said and I go inside."Oh u are back"momo said."your eyes are swollen.Are u okay"she said."No I am not okay"I said and I cry on momo unnie's shoulder."Can u tell me what happend?"momo said.I told her everthing."Talk to him tomorrow"momo said."I will unnie"I said."Now stop crying"momo said and wipe my tears away."I will go sleep now."I said and I ran to my room.I wash my face and change into my pajamas.I lay down my bed trying to sleep.I can't sleep cause"I don't want to talk to you"those words are keep coming on my mind."sleep well and goodnight tae"I said and I fall asleep.
Thanks for reading.I will upload part6 tomorrow.Sorry for low english.

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