part (4)

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Chaeng's pov
After taehyung broke the hug I ran inside."I think taehyung like u"momo said."No he don't like me.He has a girlfriend."I said."Then why did he hug u"momo said."I don't know.He think me as a bestfriend."I said and sigh."Just wait and don't give up.I think he is starting to like u"momo said."how can u tell that?"I said."I notice that he is acting weird to u."momo said."whatever I am going to sleep goodnight"I said.
Next morning(chaeng's pov)
I am walking in the hallway."Hey chaeyoung"Irene said."what"I said."We need to talk."she said."okay"I said."look taehyung break up with me because of u."she said and I just laugh."ohh really maybe because I am better than u."I said."don't trying to be cool cause it don't fit u at all.And STAY AWAY FROM TAEHYUNG."she said."Why would I and I don't want to."I said."Aish you little"Irene said and about to slap me.I close my eye waiting for the pain but I don't feel anything so I open my eyes an I see tae holding Irene's hand to stop slaping me."T-taehyung"irene said."Don't you dare to hurt her"taehyung said and push Irene away."Lets go chaeng."tae said an drag me with him.We go inside the classroom and I sit beside jimin and taehyung sit infront of me."Is it okay to sit here"I ask him."Yes.I already told him to sit beside her"taehyung said."oh okay."I said.And then the bell rang and the teacher come in."We have a group project"she said."Can we
Choose our group mate?"a boy ask her."No,I will tell your groupmate.Irene with jaehyung and suho,blah blah blah at last chaeyoung is with taehyung and jimin."she said.
Magical time skip at lunch
I am siting between jimin and taehyung."Chaeng u look good with jimin."jhope said Which make me and jimin blush.Suddenly taehyung cough."No,they are not."taehyung said which make us look at him."Yes,they are."jhope said."Stop it jhope.Ithink someone is jealous."momo said."I am not jealous."taehyung."I didn't say that u r jealous.I just said someone is jealous."momo tease taehyung."whatever"taehyung said and roll his eyes."I am finish bye."I said and go to changing room cause  next is p.e class.
At p.e class
"Today we will play basketball.Girls vs girls and boys vs boy." said.While we are playing Irene push a ball toward me."Chaeng!!"taehyung said and hug me.And then the ball hit taehyung.Taehyung break the hug and look at me."Are u okay"he ask me in worry tone."Yes,I am okay.Is it hurt?"I ask him."not at all"he said."Chaeng!!"jimin said and run to me."Are u okay?"jimin ask me."I am fine."I said and stand up."Class dismissed" said.I go to my locker and take my books.and then I go to school gate with momo.When we reach the school gate I see taehyung and jimin waiting for me."Unnie u go first.I have to do something."I said."Okay bye"momo said and wave at me.I wave her back and go to taehyung and jimin."Hey guys where are we going to do our project."I ask them."At xxxxx cafe"taehyung said."and when"I ask them again."now"jimin said."okay then lets go"I said and we go to cafe.We start doing project.Me and jimin are discussing project and taehyung cough."I will go now"he said in cold tone and leave."I will leave too bye jimin"I said and follow taehyung."Hey tae are u mad at me?"I ask him and he just ignore me."Yah kim taehyung u are going to be like that"I ask him."look chaeng I am not mad."he said.But I can tell that he is mad."then why did u leave"I ask him."Cuz I am not in a mood.So bye."he said."bye"I said.he is right how can a guy be in a mood when he break up with his girl?I sigh and go home.
Next morning(taehyung's pov)
I am jogging and I see chaeng walking so I ran to her."hey chaeng"I said."whats up tae"she said."lets jog together"I said."But I already jogged"she said."Then jog with me again."I said."but I don't want to.I am lazy bye."she said and about to go inide her house I hold her hood and pull closer to me."Jog with me or I will kiss u."I said and smirk."W-w-what?Okay fine I will jog with u.pls don't kiss me."she said and I smile."thats is my chaeng"I said and pat her head.After we go jogging."Bye I will go inside now and about the project I will text u"she said and go into her house.I go to to my house.I sit on my sofa.I take my phone and open gallery I stare at me and chaeng photo.Now I admit that I love her.
Thanks for reading.It is kinda short.I will make next part longer.I will upload part5 at thursday.Sorry for low english.

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