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Next morning(at school)
I am sitting on my seat waiting for taehyung to come.After awhile taehyung come."Hey tae you can sit beside me."I said while smiling.He sit beside me."Where is jimin?"he ask me."He go to hong kong today"I said."oh..."he said.
At lunch
I am eating with momo and jhope waiting for tae to come."I think tae is not going to eat."I said and get up.I buy milk and bread.I go to rooftop because I am sure he is there.I see tae sitting on the bench.I go to him."take this"I hand him bread and milk."I didn't want to eat"he said and  i know something wrong with him."What happened"I said."M-my grandma is at hospital"he said and he is about to cry."Its okay.Cry as much as you want."I said and hug him.He cry on my shoulder.I break the hug."You should eat.So you can take care of your grandma."I said and hand him milk and bread and he eat it.And then  we go to our class.
After school
I am watching drama with momo."You and jhope are dating or what"I ask her."We are not dating.We are just friend"she said and sigh."Oh..."I said.I look at my watch and it is 6pm.I decide to visit tae's grandma cause she is at hospital.I run to my room.I take a quick shower and change into this.

I take a quick shower and change into this

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I take my umbrella cause it is raining.I am on my way to hospital.I see a boy crying in the rain.I go him.
Taehyung's pov
I run outside when doctor said my grandma is dead.I and crying inthe rain while sitting on the bench.Sunddenly I can't feel the rain.So I look up and I see Chaeyoung with her umbrella. "Taehyung.Why are you crying in the rain?Are you okay"she said and I hug her."M-my grandma is dead."I said."Its okay."she said and comfort me."Lets go home.You will get cold"she said.We go to my house.
Chaeyoung's pov
We go inside and I didn't see jhope anywhere."Where is jhope oppa?"I ask him."He sleep at his parent house today"he said."oh...Go take a warm shower.You are wet."I said an dhe  go to upstair.I take off my jacket cause my jacket is wet.I sit on the sofa while waiting for him.Aftsr awhile he come downstair."Can you dry my hair?"he said and hand me a tower."Okay"O said and I take the tower.While I am drying his hair he just stare at me.And then he take my hand and pull me closer to him.He look into my eyes and give a peck on my lips.I am blushing really hard."Can y-you borrow me your hoodie cause my clothes are wet."I said."Okay follow me."He said and I follow him.We reach to his room and he give me his hoodie.I go to bathroom and chang into his hoodie.It is almost reach my knee cause it is too big for me.I go back to his room and I see him looking at me up and down then he bite his lip.
Taehyung's pov
I see chaeng come out of the bathroom.I look at her up and down.I bite my lip cause she look so cute and sexy in my hoodie.I go to her."You look so cute and sexy in my hoodie"I whisper at her and she is blushing hard."Yah--"I cut her off by kissing her.After a few secs I break the kiss."I will make some ramen."she said and go to the kitchen.I follow her.I am backhugging her while she is making ramen.After we ate ramen I ask her to stay here tonight cause it is really late now.She tell momo that she will sleep at my house."Lets watch horror movie"I said."Okay"she said.We are watching horror movie.Chaeng hug me and place her face on my chest when the horror scence come.I chuckle at her cutness."Lets go to sleep.I am sleepy"she said."Okay"I said and turn off the tv. Then we go to my room." You sleep on the bed.I will sleep on the couch."I said."Lets sleep together I am scared."she said.She is being cute today.I lay beside her and I hug her and soon we fall asleep.
Thanks for reading.I hope you guys like it.It is kinda short.Sorry for my low english

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