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I run inside and momo unnie come to me."What did he say?"she said."Unnie I will tell you later.Can u bring me a glass of water?"I said and momo unnie bring me a glass of water.I drink it."Now tell me"momo said."Unnie h-he confess me"I said."Omg so what did u say"she said."I said I will think about it again."I said."You like him and why did'nt you just say yes."she said."I am too shock at that time and don't know what to say"I said."Just say yes to him tomorrow"she said."Okay now I will go sleep."I said and go to my room.I lay on my bed.I am thinking how to say yes to him.And then I fall asleep.
Next morning at school
I am sitting at my seat talking with jimin.And then I see taehyung come into class.He come and sit infront of me.After awhile the teacher come in.
At lunch
It is already lunch time.So I decide to text taehyung.
Chaeng:Hey tae lets talk and come to rooftop.
I go to rooftop and wait for taehyung.After awhile taehyung come."So u already think about my confession"He said."Umm yes"I said."So what is your answer"he said."I am sorry"I said and he look down."I am sorry because I fall in love with you."I said and smile."Really."he said and I nod."So will you be my girlfriend."He said and I nod shyly.He cup my face and kiss me.After a few secs he broke the kiss."I love you so much"he said."I love you too."I said.He smile and pat my head."Lets go.I am hungry"I said and pout."So cute."he said and pinch my cheek.We both intertwined hand and go to cafeteria."I think we have a new couple here."jhope said and tease us."Btw where is jimin?"I said."I didn't see him today"momo said."Oh okay."I said.
After school at chaeng's house
Taehyung sent me home cause momo is hanging out with jhope again.I go to my room and change my uniform into my pajamas.I lay on my bed and take a nap.I wake up because my phone ring.
On phone
Jimin:Hello chaeyoung lets hang out today
Jimin:I will pick u at 6pm.
Chaeng:Okay bye.
I am hang up and look at my watch and it is 5:25 pm.So I get up from my bed and I take a warm shower.I change into this

I go downstair and text taehyung

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I go downstair and text taehyung.
Chaeng:hey tae.Can I go hang out with jimin pls.
Chaeng:Please I already told him that I will come with him.
Tae:okay fine.
Chaeng:Thanks oppa.I love you.
Tae:I love you too.
Chaeng:bye see u tomorrow.
Tae:bye see you.
I am waiting for jimin.After a few mins the door bell rings.I open the door."Jimin lets go"I said and go into jimin's car."Where are we going"I said."To cinema."He said.We reach to cinema.we buy some popcorn and drinks.After movie we go to the park.We are walking silently until jimin speak."Chaeng I like you"Jimin said."But--"I said." I know that you don't like me."he said."I am sorry jimin"I said."Its okay.Btw I am going to hongkong for 2 years."He said."When and why"I ask him."I have to study fthere for 2 years and I have to go there tomorrow"he said."What?!?Why so fast"I said."My father want me to go there tomorrow so.It is already late I will send you home."Okay"I said.We both reach at my house."Now go inside."jimin said.I hug him and I will miss you.Bye jimin"I said and go inside.
Thanks for reading.I am sorry if it short.I hope u guys like it.

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