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Chaeyoung's pov
I wake up and I see taehyung sleeping but he is still hugging me.I slowly move his hand.I kiss his forehead and about to get up but taehyung grab my and pull me which make me lay beside him again.We are too close.I see his eyes slowly open."You can't just go like that after you kissed my forehead.I want more"he said."Pardon"I said.I can feel my cheeks burning.Then he peck my lips."Why are you so cute"he said and pinch my cheek.Now I am red as tomato."I am hungry."He said."I will go make breakfast"I said.I go to bathroom.I wash my face and brush my teeth.And then I go to kitchen and I make some pancake.After awhile taehyung come.We finish eating and I wash the dishes."Tae I will go home now"I said."I will send you home."he said.We reach at my house."I will pick you at 3pm.Now go inside."He said."Okay bye"I said and peck his cheek.I go inside and I see momo watching drama.I go to my room and change into my pajamas.
Time skip at 2pm
I take a warm shower and change into this

Time skip at 2pmI take a warm shower and change into this

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I am putting my make up."Chaeyoung-ah taehyung is here."Momo shout.I quickly finish my make up and go downstair.
Taehyung's pov
I am waiting for chaeyoung from downstair."Lets go"chaeyoung said.I look at her.She is so beautiful.I can't stop staring at her."Taehyung?"she said and wave her hand infront of my eyes."yes"I said."Lets go"she said."Okay"I said an we go to my car.I open the car door for her.I drive to cinema.During the movie I can't take my eyes off her.Suddenly she turn to me and I quickly turn to the movie.
Chaeyoung's pov
We are watching movie but I can see taehyung staring at me.So I turn to him and he quickly turn to movie.
After movie
We reach my house and I am about to take off seat belt but taehyung come near to me and take off my seat belt."Bye"I said and I go inside my house."How was your date?"momo appear out of nowwhere."Oh god you scare me unnie."I said."How was your date?"she ask me again."It was great"I said."Did you two kiss"she said.I open my eyes wide and hit her back softly."Unnie!!"I said."Stop hitting me I am just kidding."she said and I stop hitting her."Btw how is you and Jhope?"I ask her."It is going well.I almost forget to tell you that we are going to amusement park tomorrow"she said."With who"I said."with jhope and taehyung"she said."But taehyung didn't tell me."I said."May be he forget to tell you."she said."I am going to sleep.Goodnight."I said and go to my room."WE WILL GO THERE AT 1PM"momo shout."OKAY"i shout back.
Next morning
I wake up and look at my clock and it is 7am.I do my morning routine and I go downstair.I didn't see momo unnie.May be she is not awake yet.I go to kitchen and I make breakfast.After that I go to momo's room andI see momo sleeping.I wake her up and I go  downstair.I wait for momo to come downstair.After awhile momo come and we both eat our breakfast.
Time skip at 12 pm
I go to my bathroom and take a quick shower and wear this.

Time skip at 12 pmI go to my bathroom and take a quick shower and wear this

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I go downstair and sit on the couch and play games on my phone.After awhile the door bell ring.I open the door and I see jhope oppa and taehyung."Come in"I said and move aside.I close the door."MOMO UNNIE THEY ARE HERE"I shout."COMING"she shout back.Momo unnie come downstair and I see Jhope oppa staring at her."Lets go"she said and we go into the car.I sit beside taehyung.
Taehyung's pov
We are on our way to amusement park.I glance at chae and I see chaeyoung sleeping.I slowly put her head on my shoulder.
Chaeyoung's pov
"Chae wake up"taehyung said and I wake up.We go inside the amusement park."Unnie me and taehyung will go together."I said and I hold taehyung's hand."Okay.Lets meet here at 5pm"she said.I and taehyung go to ride roller coaster.After we ride 5 kinds of rides,we go to buy ice-cream."Try this"I said and I move my ice cream to his mouth.When he is about to taste my ice-cream.I move it away from him.I laugh and He pout.I move it to him again."Try this.This time I will not move it."I said.He is about to taste my ice cream but instead of taste my ice cream he peck my lips and then he take a bite of my
ice-cream.I blush and hit his back shyly."Yah we are in public"I said."Ah it is hurt"he said and make a fake cry.
"Yah stop fake crying lets go."I hold his hand and drag him to gift shop."try this"I said and put tiger hairband on his head."You look cute."I said while gigling.I take another tiger hairband and wear it."Cute"he said in low tone but I can hear it.I pay them and we go to play carnival game.
Taehyung's pov
I win a cute white bear toy on carnival game.I give it to chaeyoung and she hug it and jump happily.She is so cute."Are you happy now"I said."Yes"she said in cute down."You have to give me a prize cause I win it for you"he said."What kind of prize do you want?"she ask me."A kiss on lips."I said and smirk.I can see her blushing."w-what"she said."I have already told you"I said.She look around and cup my face and give me a peck on my lips.I smile at her cuteness.And then we go to the place that momo told us to meet.We reach there and I see momo and Jhope are already there."Wait I have to go to restroom"chaeyoung said and we nod.
After 20 mins
It is already 20mins and she didn't stil come back.I start to worry about her."I think we should go find chae."momo said and we nod.I run to find chae.
Chaeyoung's pov
I go to restroom and I don't know the way to go the place momo unnie tell us to meet.I can't call them cause I give my phone to tae.I walk around hoping to find that place.Its is 20 mins already but I can't still find that place.There are so many people.I start to tear up cause I thinks I lost.Then I reach the restroom.I see the man coming to me."Young lady are you alone"He said and I ignore him.Suddenly he take my hand and start to drag me.I start to cry and I shout for help.But it is unuseful cause there is no one infront of restroom.I bite his hand and run away.But he catch me and push me.I fall on the ground."You dare to bite my hand huh"He shout and about to slap me.Taehyung come and kick the man.The man fall and taehyung go on top of him and start punching him."Don't ever touch her and shout her like that."he said while punching him.The man start to bleed."TAE STOP PLEASE"I shout while crying.I am afraid cause he almost kill that man.Taehyung stop punching him and look at me.Then he come to me.He hug me."I am sorry chae.I come late."he said in sad tone.I am still crying."Tae I am scared"I said while crying."It is okay I am here now."he said and break the hug.He  whipe my tears and peck my lips."Now lets go back."He said and I nod.He call momo and tell everthings.We go back to the place and momo unnie come and hug me."You make me worried."she said."I am sorry unnie"I said and break the hug."No it is okay"she said.Jhope oppa come to me."Are you okay chae"He ask me."I am okay"I said and I smile abit.We go into car and jhope start to drive.I glance at tae and I see his hand are bleeding.I take his hand."Is it hurt?"I said."No"he said."I am sorry.It is all my fault."I said and I look down."No it is not your fault.Don't blame yourself.It doesn't even hurt"he said and smile at me.We reach our house."Do you guys want to have a sleep over tonight?"momo said.I look at taehyung and I show him my puppy eyes."Okay and Jhope hyung you want to sleep over or not"taehyung said."It is okay with me"jhope said and we go into the house.I hold taehyung hand and drag him to my room.I make him sit on my bed and I take my aid kit box.I treat his wound and he just stare at me."Done"I said and I look at him and he look into my eyes.And then he kiss me.I kiss him back.After a few mins we break the kiss.I take my oversize hoodie and sweet pants and give him."Change into this"I said he take them and go to bathroom."I will wait for you downstair."he said and I nod.I go to my bathroom change into my pajamas.
To be continued
Thanks for reading.Sorry for my low english.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2019 ⏰

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