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At chaeng house (chaeng's pov)
"What happened?"Momo said."I just tripped and taehyung helped me."I said."So he forgive you"momo said."yes"I said."Are you going to school?"momo said."Yes"I said."But you can't walk"momo said."It is in the start taehyung massage my ankle and now I can walk."I said."But taehyung gave you a piggy back"she said."After he massage my ankle he ask me if I can walk and I just shook my head cause I want him to give me piggy back"I said and go to my room.Momo just sit there shocked.I change my clothes to my uniform.I go downstair."Unnie I am hungry"I said."I make pancake lets eat."she said.We finish eating and go to school.Me and momo unnie reach at school gate and I see jimin so I ran to him."Good morning chim chim"I said and smile at him."Chimchim?"He said."Oh I just found a nickname for u isn't it cute?"I said."I like it"he said and we walk to our class.I put my bag on my desk and sit beside taehyung's seat waiting for him cause Jimin said he will skip history class and he will go to library.After awhile taehyung come and I am about to wave at him.Irene go to him.Did she just ruin my mood.Now I am really mad.I go to taehyung."Goodmorning taetae"I said and smile at him."Didn't u see I am talking with him?"she said."Oh I didn't see u.I am sorry but I will take him with me"I said and I drag taehyung with me."Yah are u jealous"Taehyung said."What!!?I am not I just help you from that playgirl"I said."Oh really.I think that you are jealous"he said and tease me."Whatever"I said and I am about to go to my class.Taehyung grab my wrist."Where are you going?"He said.I turn around."Our class to take my bag and skip history class."I said."Now excuse me"I said and I remove his hand go to my class."I will wait for u here"taehyung said.While I am walking I show him okay sign.I take my bag and about to go."Hey you"Irene shout.I look around and I look back at her."Me?"I said."Yes you.stay away from taehyung."Irene said."Why I would stay away from my boyfriend."I said."You and him are dating?"she said."Yes"I said."I don't believe you.prove it"she said and smirk.I go to taehyung and kiss his cheek infront of Irene."AISH"she said and go away.I just laugh at her and I look at taehyung.He is really shock."sorry I need to do that"I said."Its okay I wish you can do that one more time."taehyung said."W-what"I said."I just said that I wish you can do that one more time but not on cheek"he said and pout."Pervert"I said and go to library."Yah wait for me"he said and follow me.We reach at library and I look for jimin.After a few secs I find him.I go to him and sit infront of him.And taehyung sit beside me."hello Chimchim"I said."Chimchim?"taehyung said."Yes.I give him nickname"I said."What about me"taehyung said again."You already have a nickname."I said."Whta is that?"he said."I call you tae or taetae."I said."okay"he said and read his book.
At lunch (momo's pov)
I am waiting for chaeng at cafeteria alone cause jhope didn't come to school.After awhile Chaeng come with taehyung and jimin."Hey taehyung do you know why jhope didn't come to school."I ask taehyung."May be he is sick I don't know.He slept at his parent house"taehyung said while eating."Unnie u are worry about him,aren't u"chaeng tease me."No I am not."I said."Unnie I will go to restroom.I will be right back."chaeng said."Okay"I said. After chaeng leave."You guys like chaeng right?"I siad and they cough on their food."How do u know"they both said in a same time."I have my way"I said and my phone buzz.
Hobi:momo can u come to my parent house.
Momo:why?And I am at school.
Hobi:My parent go on a trip and I am not feeling well.
Hobi:I don't know.
Momo:I will come now wait for me.
"I will go first and tell chaeng to go home by herself cause I have to take care of jhope I think he is sick."I said and run to my class take my bag and I run to jhope's parent house.
Chaeng's pov
I go back to cafeteria and I didn't see momo."Where is momo unnie"I ask them."She said she has to take care of jhope hyung cause he is sick and she told you to go home by yourself"Taehyung said.
After school at chaeng's house
I am watching drama while eating my snacks.And then my phone buzz.
Taetae:Can I come to your house with yeontan?
Chaeng:yes you can.
Taetae:I will come now.
And then I continue watching drama.After a few mins the door bell ring.I shut the tv and I open the door and I see taehyung with yeontan."come in"I said and they come in.Me and tae are playing with yeontan.After awhile I lay down on my sofa and taehyung is coming to sit beside me.Suddenly he trip and fall on top of me.He just looking at my eyes and then he KISS ME.
Thanks for reading.Sorry for low english.I will upload part8 tomorrow.

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