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Mel smiled softly with her eyes still closed. "Those are my wings. That happens when we dont use them. They grow under the skin and the slits heal closed." She answered sleepily against his chest.

"You have wings?" He asked. "Why you hide them? Would be more comfortable with wings out in open?" (Her life has truly sucked.) He thought. (Maybe I can help cut her wings out?)

Mel nodded slowly against him and hummed in response. "I dont know. Ive never had them out. I cant show people what i am or theyd kill me like my mother." She mumbled.

"Try." Kronos said simply. "I not care what you are. You safe here." (Having to hide your whole life. Constantly afraid. I cant even imagine her pain.) He thought. (I probably would have just ended myself if I was that weak and hunted.)

Mel laughed lightly. "I can't. Theyre healed closed." She reasoned before peeking her eyes open and looking up at his face. She hadnt been expecting so much pillow talk from someone like him. And she didnt understand why he cared so much.

Kronos frowned. "Want opened?" He asked. "I can help." (She probably doesn't want my help but I'll offer it anyway. Shouldn't be too hard to reopen her back.) He thought.

Mel smiled softly up at him again. "Do you often have trouble shutting your brain off and going to sleep?" She asked with amusement playing on her lips. She didnt know why they had to discuss this now and not in the morning.

"My brain shut off when dead." Kronos said simply. (Even though my so speach probably sounds like I don't use my brain.) He thought. "Didn't answer question." (Am I to assume that's a no? You'd probably sleep better and I must admit I'm curious what your wings look like Beacon.)

Mel couldnt help but laugh with amusement and shake her head. "Can we talk about it tomorrow? I'm tired." She reasoned, her eyes hopeful on his face.

Kronos shrugged. "Fine." He said simply. "We have early day in morning." He closed his eyes then and rested his hand on her bare ass to sleep. He focused on shutting his thoughts off long enough for him to actually fall asleep. "See you in morning."

Mel couldnt tell if he was upset with her or not. So she couldnt help but frown at him after he had closed his eyes. Had she done something wrong in asking to go to sleep? "Um. Goodnight." She said meekly before resting her head back on his chest and resuming closing her eyes. She shifted her weight to get comfortable and finally found herself starting to drift to sleep as her tail flicked lazily to drape across his hips contentedly.

Kronos stroked her tail as he drifted further towards sleep. "Good night." He said as he felt the weight of sleep falling over him. (Her tail feels nice.) Was his last thought before sleep.

Kronos awoke the next morning to see Meliora still draped over him as she was when he closed his eyes to sleep. He decided to take that moment to examine and appreciate her. (Well it looks like she's warmed up. Her fingers aren't blue anymore.) He thought as he stroked and pet her tail. (I like her tail. It's delicate like her.)

Mel slept peacefully on him, her chest rising and falling slowly with her even breathing. She hummed with contentment in her sleep at him petting her tail but otherwise didnt move. Except for her tail that flicked happily against his arm, almost like a cat.

Kronos cocked and eyebrow at her. "It time to awake up." He said seriously as he ran his fingers up her tail and over her bare ass. "You have lessons." (Is she gonna sleep all day?) He thought.

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