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Leto almost reached them with all his speed propelling him forward suddenly when poof they were gone.

Kronos was walking back towards the spring to check on Leto and bring him back to where he was safe when suddenly her got a whiff of a stranger's scent and he heard Meliora scream for him with fear in her voice. With a roar he shifted and was dashing into the room just in time to see magic particles dispersing. He looked around for Leto and Meliora frantically. When it was plain they were no longer there and someone had taken them he roared with rage and ran to the main chamber where everyone else was on alert. "Mount up we're leaving now!" He roared still shifted. "Some magic user has taken them."

After a brief moment of shock the clan scrambled into action to g9wt the mounts and weapons. They didn't bother with anything else. They didn't even put the fire out before they all charged out of the cave.

Meliora was suddenly in a small cagelike cell. She was on her knees as if the transport had knocked her off of her feet. The floor was a strange slick material that offered no heat. She looked around and found that to her right was a wall made of the same material, slick and smooth. As was the ceiling and behind her. In front of her were bars with an eerie blue glow. And beyond that was a dark room with a stone stairwell just close enough that she could have reached through the bars and not quite touched the steps. She saw bars to her left that were the same but held no blue glow. Leto was on the other side. It was eerily damp and cold, the air smelling of must and old linens. No lights filled the rooms except for the glow from the bars. But what made it worse was the sound. A humming song like sound that led her to believe they were in a church. Or a monastery. It filled the emptiness in the air. And yet again she had been zipped away and had no idea where she was or what danger she was in. And she wanted to cry she felt so defeated.

Leto looked around to see he was suddenly caged like an animal. He thrashed around against the bars and got a shock and burns but he didn't stop. He saw Meliora and started ripping and prying at the bars between them. He shifted back so he would have more room. He grabbed at the glowing blue bars again to get burns on his hands and another horrific shock he thrashed more then as tears started to well up in his eyes. He grabbed the bars between them again and pulled on them with all his might and his feet on the bars. (No no no no no no no no no.) He kept repeating in his head over and over. "We're getting out of here." He said but he was starting to panic.

Meliora looked up at him calmly then from where she had been looking at the ground. "Not to be a downer here. But that man held us in place and there was nothing either one of us could do about it. Were not getting out of here." She said, defeated. All because of what she was. "Im sorry you got dragged into my problems." She added as deflated as a balloon. She didnt see why he was hurting himself. Their 'beacon' was done for.

Leto shook his head frantically. "No no no no. You don't understand." He said panic welling up in him as a volcano about to erupt. "We need to get out of here. I can't do cages." He couldn't think past his panic. He started having flashbacks of his childhood.

Meliora softened her face at him. "Hey. Look at me. Im right here with you. Dont focus on the cage. Focus on me. Youre thinking too much. Just focus on me and stay calm. If you panic youre going to give them the upper hand and we will never get out of here okay?" She said soothingly.

Leto was breathing heavily and still ripping at the bars. "We have to get out of here." He said as he kept trying to get to her. "If only I was strong like Kronos." He said more to himself. "Then I could get us out. I wouldn't be broken. I could save us. But I'm not."

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