Chapter 6 Nalu Has a Blast?

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           Another day to the vacation is over.  Happy thinks, good thing too!  Natsu and Lucy made up last night. Thank goodness!  Only thing is I am not sure how Lisanna will respond.  Lets just hope she does not wake up before Lucy this morning.  I do not want her to ruin her chances with Natsu today.  After all Nalu looks cute together and has plans, so there!  Happy reasons within himself.  

         Lucy wakes up. She smiles when she sees Natsu asleep on the cot.  He sure looks cute!  Lucy sha kes her head, grabs an outfit out her suitcase, and steps into the bathroom. She closes and locks the door.  She showers, dries off, and steps into the clean clothes.  This time she wears a simple white bikni with yellow sunflowers on it, with a yellow coverup over it.  She dawns her feet with some solid yellow sandals. She applies a light amount of foundation, blush and eyeshadow.  Now that she done with the makeup, she brushes her hair, pulls it back into a bun, and puts her sunglasses on. She grabs up her sunscreen and exits the bathroom.  She pulls her beach bag out of the suncase, adds the sunscreen, an extra t-shirt,shorts, extra, and some aloe gel to the bag along with her waterproof camera, and her new phone which happens to be waterproof as well.

      She waits for Natsu to get ready. As Lucy waits she reads a book, and paints her nails.  She looks at her fingers in a mirror with a  look of satisfaction in her eyes.  There done!  She is glad to have done so since by now she is getting hungry and her patience with him is rather thin to say the least!  She thinks, for some one who wears no makeup he sure does take a long time!  As in is he alright?  She shudders to think about what she would do if something should happen to him.

      Natsu exits the bathroom as if on cue.  He sees Lucy and smiles. He thinks she looks adorable. He does not realize what this could mean.  He grabs her hand in his own, and tells Happy, "Look after Lisanna for us, will you?   We will be back later!  Not sure how soon, but just later!  See ya, Happy!"   

      Happy nods his head in agreement.  "Sure see you two later, pal!"  Happy says.  He smiles and waves at Nalu as they leave the cabin. He sure hopes things works out well for those too. Then, again who is he to say?  It is not like he can decide for his best friend Natsu which woman the man will end up with anyway.  Yet, he can dream though.  In his dreams, he visualizes Natsu tells Lisanna to take a hike, or to leave him alone!  He sees Lucy with him.  He can help it!  He personally ships Nalu and not Nali.  This is because Lucy and Natsu are opposites and everyone knows opposites attract.   He also notes that Lisanna, might have lots in common with Natsu very little differences there and besides, she is cruel to Lucy!  For that matter she is not to nice to anyone.  He fears she might be after Natsu for the wrong reasons.  Unlike Lucy who cares for him for what matters most.

       After Natsu and Lucy leave, Happy thinks, good grief Natsu do not break her heart whatever you do!  Be careful with her!  She is special!  The sooner you realize this the better!  He also thinks, Lisanna do not ruin my ship.   Just do not, or at least if you pursue Natsu let him choose for himself whether to pursue you back or not.  No more threats towards him or Lucy.  

        Lisanna wakes up. She gets ready for the day. She does not speak so much as a word to Happy!  She decides what is the point since that cat appears not to like me. Why he takes a liking to Lucy is beyond me.  I mean what is so great about her anyway?  She notices that Natsu is not here.  Ugh, he went off with that  Lucy girl again?  She is not happy about this at all. She shows her distaste for this by being out of control. She tosses a few books around the room.  She throws a pair of shoes at Happy.   She misses him and he scowls at her!

       "Hey, there is no need to be irrationally rude about it!"  Happy remarks.

       "I will have you know it that Natsu is meant to be with me."  Lisanna says.

Nali/Nalu Hawaiian Cruise : A  Fairy Tail  Fan fiction AU by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now