social anxiety is a pain in the ass

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"This is going to be good for you."

Calvin almost felt his mother's warm voice through the phone, comforting him. He immediately relaxed. He had always been a mommy's boy; she had always known how to ease his nerves.

"Thanks, Ma," he replied, his voice hushed.

Calvin still didn't know how she'd convinced him to sign up to host an exchange student. It was something he had never once considered doing. His apartment was tiny and cluttered, and he felt that having some stranger move in would be almost like a violation of privacy. His apartment was his safe space, and now he wouldn't even have that to himself. Not to mention, Calvin was a very reserved, quiet person. He was only hoping that his new roommate would keep to himself as well. Fingers crossed.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the airport with you," the older woman sighed through the phone. "I know you're probably so anxious. How's it going? Did you take your pill this morning?"

"You shouldn't have to burden yourself because I can't handle social situations on my own," Calvin spoke, running a hand through his curly chestnut hair sheepishly. "I'm eighteen. It's about time I grow up."

There was a pause. "I'm proud of you, Calv."

"Thanks, Ma. I think I'm gotta let you go now, though-- his plane just landed."

"Alright, son. Remember your manners."

Calvin chuckled a little to himself. "Okay, Ma. I love you. Bye."

He pulled his phone away from his ear and ended the call before pulling up his text messages. Him and his new roommate for the next three months had swapped phone numbers over paper letters once they found out they were paired. Calvin was ashamed to admit he had already forgotten the boy's name, but he remembered it started with an F.

Ah, that's right. Felix. He recalled as he began typing a simple message stating that he was waiting near the Starbucks that had been conveniently placed inside the airport.

Once the text was sent, Calvin eased into a chair and patiently awaited. He nervously picked at his teeth but quickly realized that he was still in a public area and stopped instantaneously. Well, this is going to be interesting.

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