the end

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Weeks had passed, and Felix and and Calvin had become the most talked-about couple. Everyone adored them together, and they did too.

Calvin had decided to accept Felix and even help him out with his vampire struggles. If Felix would be too tired to go out one night to feed on blood, Calvin would offer himself. Everything was perfect, but so bittersweet.

The summer had come to an end.

The boys were at the airport, both of their eyes red and puffy from crying all night. Felix was to go home on a 4 AM flight, which had just arrived.

"I-I don't know if I can do long distance," Calvin admitted, his voice wobbling. "I'm just... I'm going to miss you so much."

"Oh, babe," Felix murmured, pulling Calvin into a tight hug. "I'm going to miss you too."

"All passengers for the 4 AM flight to London, please board now," an airport worker called out.

"That's me," Felix sighed, jabbing his thumb in the opposite direction. His eyes welled up with tears as he squeezed his boyfriend one last time, holding him for two full minutes before slowly pulling away and steadily backing off.

Calvin stumbled back into a chair, wiping his tears with a tissue.

"Goodbye, my love. Thanks for an amazing summer," he whispered, his voice cracking.


"I'm cancelling my ticket," Felix said boldly, forcing his small slip of paper into the flight attendant's hand.

"Sir, you can't simply just--"

"I don't care, I love my boyfriend!" He shouted back as he turned and dashed out of the plane.

He made it just in time. The gate was closing just as he ran out and fell into Calvin's arms.

"I'm staying with you," he whispered into Calvin's ear. "I don't have any family in London, and I'd rather be anywhere else, as long as you're there."

Calvin laughed as happy tears streamed down his face. "I-I was going to miss you so much!" He held the back of Felix's neck lovingly.

"I know, baby, me too."

Felix caressed Calvin's cheek, finding his now familiar lips and tracing them with his fingertip before kissing him softly.

"Babe," Calvin chuckled, breaking the kiss. "People are watching."

"Let them watch. They should know that I'm proud to be yours."

He resumed the messy kiss, which was once again broken by Calvin after a few minutes.

"Let's get out of this smelly airport."

"I'd follow you to the moon and back."

"I love you, Felix."

"I love you too, Calvin."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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