too emotionally invested now

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Calvin skimmed over Felix's text. Admittedly, he was slightly disappointed to find out that he'd be getting a final answer later on, but he respected that he needed time.

At first, he figured he would watch a movie or two before he fell asleep on the couch, but the more he sat around, the more antsy he became. The excitement from the club the previous night had changed his introverted ways. No activity at home could compare to the loud, exciting music and the flashing lights of the club.

Calvin had never experienced a house party before. Would it be the same as the club? Better?

His curiosity was rising, and he couldn't sit still. Finally, he turned off the TV, grabbed his keys, and hurried out the door.


Felix had only been at the party for forty minutes when he began to feel the familiar craving for blood. His teeth ached horribly, especially his fangs; and it was hard to ignore.

Shit, it's the end of the week, he grumbled in his head. I need my ounce of blood.

He let his emerald gaze scan the crowd of drunk, dancing fools. He spotted a blonde girl sitting alone in a corner, looking woozy.

Sighing out loud, he stood and set down his red solo cup. Let's get this over with.

"Hey," he murmured huskily to the drunk girl as he approached her, pushing past dancers.

She giggled in response. "Oooh, a ginger!" Felix held back a scoff and an eye-roll.

"Ooh, a blonde! It's not like I've seen multiples of you everywhere," he mumbled under his breath.


"Nothing, nothing. Now lemme just..."

He awkwardly leaned in, crouching down as he brought his lips to her neck. She closed her eyes, innocent and unsuspecting. Unhinging his fangs, he sunk them deep into her spray-tanned flesh. Once he felt the warm rush of her irony blood fill his throat enough, he pulled away and dropped her limp body. She would be alright; just unconscious and lightheaded when she woke up.

Felix was done here. He was bored, and the disgusting taste of blood was stuck in his mouth. As he rose to his feet, he looked up and locked eyes with the one person who was most important in his life: Calvin.

He smiled at the other boy, making his way towards him. Hopefully he hadn't seen anything.

Calvin took a few sharp steps backwards. "A blonde? Really, Felix? A blonde?" He stammered, shaking his head. Felix noticed that his eyes were glistening with tears, which made his heart sink.

"No, no, Calvin. It's not what it looks like," he pleaded. "Hear me out."

"No. You go have fun at your parties and fuck anyone you want. I'm done," Calvin spoke, his words harsh. His voice had a certain edge to it that normally wasn't there.

"Calvin, wait! Listen to me!" Felix begged, but it was no use. Calvin had already turned and ran out the door.

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