redemption and cupping calvin's cheeks

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The 10 PM darkness brought a chill. Calvin wrapped his arms around himself and decided he'd run far enough, sliding onto a park bench right next to a hazy lamppost.

How could he do that? Be the instigator of our kiss, run off, and snog some... female? And she was a blonde, too!

He shook his head, his brown curls even messier than usual. Silent tears rolled down his cheeks. He felt like he'd been slapped, and the sinking pit in his stomach wouldn't go away.

He buried his face in his arms as he heard Felix catch up.

"Go away."

"Please. Just let me explain."

"I said go away."

Felix sighed.

"I really like you."

He's lying, he thought.

"You're lying."

"No, I'm not. I've felt this way since the first couple days I was with you."

"Then why'd you run off and kiss some thot at a party?"

"I wasn't kissing her."

"Giving her a hickey, then!" Calvin shouted. He was now glaring at Felix.

"No hickeys were given," Felix replied calmly.

Calvin remained silent, so Felix decided to continue and try to explain himself.

"This is going to sound crazy, but I need you to listen, okay?" He asked, sliding on the bench next to Calvin and cupping his cheeks. He slowly wiped away Calvin's tears, awaiting an answer. "I need you to bare with me."

Calvin sniffed and nodded. "Okay."

"I needed to use her for her blood. I have... a condition... that requires one ounce of blood every week."

Calvin squinted his eyes. "I'm not sure I'm following along here."

Felix sighed. "I'm a vampire."

"You can't be. Those are from... storybooks and whatnot."

"Please trust me. Listen. I'm not like the fairytale vampires. Yes, I need one ounce of blood each week, but I hate it. It's a chore. A disgusting thing I was born with. That's what I was doing to that girl at the party-- taking some of her blood."

"Do you kill people?" Calvin asked, a little nervous.

"No. I just leave them unconscious."

"Why can't you take your own blood?"

"Vampire blood is much thinner than anyone else's. Plus, I'd kill myself that way by draining my whole system."

"I... understand. It's just a lot to process."

The two sat in silence for a few moments, hearing nothing but their breathing.

"For now, I just want you."

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