mixed messages

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Calvin's head was buzzing the moment he woke up; the hangover had begun. He kept his eyes shut as he tried to remember what had happened last night.

Club... beer... loud music... Felix...

Opening his eyes, he saw Felix right next to him in bed and everything rushed back to him. He blushed profusely at the thought of kissing him.

Calvin had come to terms with himself that he was officially gay and not afraid of it. He had developed such strong feelings for the red-haired boy in just a few days with him.

Suddenly, an unpleasant queasiness hit Calvin's stomach. "Great," he mumbled, not wanting to leave Felix's arms but knowing he had to. He slowly but surely slipped away and crept to the bathroom, where he hung his head over the toilet and threw up.

Meanwhile, Felix groaned and stretched his arms out. Waking up was never pleasant for him, especially when the sounds of barfing rang through the hallway.

He recalled every moment at the club, but nothing after. He closed his eyes once more, straining his brain to think.

All of the sudden, he realized that the room he was in was Calvin's. The bed that he was sprawled across belonged to Calvin.

Oh, shit.

Everything flooded back like a tidal wave crashing onto shore. Every little movement. Every touch.

He slapped his palm to his face wearily. "Ohhhh no," he grumbled, sitting up. "Oh no no no."

He figured he'd better apologize to Calvin right away. Starting down the hallway, he anxiously ran his fingers through his messy locks and sighed. "Calvin," he spoke, the word frail on his lips. He was now standing in the doorway to the bathroom.

Calvin looked up and gave Felix a lopsided grin. "Sorry you had to catch me like this," he said, chewing on his lip nervously.

"Calv, listen. I-I'm sorry. I'm not myself when I'm drunk, and I didn't mean to, well, you know."


"No, wait. I was invading your personal space. What I did was... not okay. I'm really sorry. I'm so sorry." He shook his head frantically, humiliated.

"Felix. I kissed back."

The taller boy's heart thumped as Calvin spoke those three words: I kissed back. His head began to spin, and he didn't think it was because of the hangover.

"I just... I think I need some time alone. To think."

Calvin softened his expression. "Of course. Me too. I'll see you later, Felix."

"Right. Later, Calv."

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