this is so gay it'll make you uwu

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Five rounds of alcohol later, Felix and Calvin were huddled in a corner of the bathroom at the club, laughing their asses off at absolutely nothing as their heads spun. "Man, I am SO glad you took me here," Calvin snorted, reaching up and patting Felix's ginger hair.

"We're really drunk," Felix wheezed, his knees quivering as he stood up. "We gotta get home." He extended his arm to help up Calvin.

The two stumbled out of the lively club, the quietness of the night soothing their ears from the wrath of the blaring techno music. They clutched onto each other's shirts to prevent one another from stumbling.

The apartment complex was eerily quiet; as it should be at this hour. Calvin fumbled with the keys and eventually unlocked the door. As soon as they stepped in, Calvin re-locked the entrance and tiredly collapsed onto his bed.

Felix resorted to his own room, but he wasn't ready to rest. In fact, his mind was drowning in words.

Something changed tonight, he thought, rubbing his temples. Something's different about Calvin. Something good. Something better.

Felix thought he was going insane, and it was stressing him out. Fuck it, he decided, I'm doing whatever my instincts tell me to do from now on.

With a sudden burst of confidence, Felix's energy level shot up, and he was no longer tired. Still extremely drunk, yes-- but not tired.

I know what I want.


Calvin had just finished changing into a pair of basketball shorts and a black hoodie when Felix burst into his room.

"Um... hi?" he tried, rubbing his tired eyes. "I was just heading to bed, but..."

Felix remained silent, but his lifted face softened. Calvin watched as Felix's green eyes darted around. He was clearly observing Calvin.

"Has anyone ever told you that you look adorable in hoodies?"

"Um..." Calvin scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. His face flushed bright red.

I know we're drunk, but I didn't think it was this crazy, he thought to himself.

Felix stepped forward, his eyes gleaming. He placed his bold hands on Calvin's waist, making the other boy squirm a little. Despite this, he wasn't fighting back.

Well, fuck. I've fallen for a guy, he murmured in his head before slowly leaning in and placing his lips on Calvin's.

Calvin was stunned. He slowly moved his palm to the back Felix's neck, moving closer to him. Their upper lips moved leisurely, taking turns topping each other.

Suddenly, Felix gently tightened his grip on Calvin's waist, clutching his sides. He pushed his tongue into Calvin's mouth, picking up the speed of the kiss. He let his hands slide up Calvin's back, underneath his hoodie, while his tongue caressed his lips.

Calvin quickly broke the kiss to gasp for breath before diving back in, gripping Felix's shoulders and moving them down to his chest. Felix cornered Calvin against the wall and moved his hand to gently hold his chin.

Calvin led Felix a few steps backwards towards his bed, where he fell back, and Felix toppled over him. They broke the kiss and laughed breathlessly together before leaning in for one more.

Felix rolled off of Calvin and simply laid next to him, pulling him close to his chest with his arms around him. There, they listened to the sound of each other's steady breathing, and fell asleep.

Calvin had never slept better.

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