Kitten Love C3

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"You're staring at me," Sakura said, Wonwoo gave an awkward laugh

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"You're staring at me," Sakura said, Wonwoo gave an awkward laugh.

"You've been staring at your laptop for while, you okay?"  

"I'm okay" Sakura assured. Even though technically she's not.

Wonwoo reached for the eye drops on the top of his bag and proceeded to put drops on his eyes. He'd been putting it on repeat for the past couple of minutes they've been in the library. Sakura frowned at it. 

"You should replace that" 

"The what?" 

"Your contacts, you seem uncomfortable"

"How'd you know I'm uncomfortable?"

"You've been blinking furiously for the past couple minutes. Not to mention I'm also wearing one and you don't see me fidget over it"

"I forgot you got bad eyesight as well" 

Sakura buries her face in her arms. She can't even start the freaking Biography without deleting the whole sentence for sounding weird. She closed her eyes for a bit.

"Wanna go on a date with me?" Wonwoo's voice rang through her head. It took her a minute to process it before she lifts her head in shock

"You kidding?"

 "For research purposes," he said in a hurry noticing Sakura's bewildered look. 

"Where are we going then?"

"Shopping Center"

Before she knows it she's already packing her Laptop agreeing to him. 


"You were hard to get close to you know" Sakura argued over her shoulder where Wonwoo is. They're scanning books inside one of the Book Store.   

"Jun was the easiest then Hoshi and Minghao. I got close to you because of Games other than that nothing" she continued. 

"You really think without games we wouldn't be close?" Wonwoo said behind her.

Lets Go Iz*Teen (Iz*one & Seventeen)Where stories live. Discover now