Kitten's problem

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 [An update from the author, one year later] 

I wrote this when I was a beginner and the plot is quite cringe-inducing, so just a heads up:)


(Kitten's point of view)

Kitten had a really, really, really big problem. Her boyfriend, Fang, had dumped her again!  And for another girl, too! Kitten was fuming even more than usual.

"It's foolish to dump kitten once, but nobody, NOBODY, dumps kitten twice!" 

Downstairs, Killer moth cringed. He could hear her, and he knew what was coming. 

"DAAAAAAAADDDDDDDYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!" screamed Kitten, yelling so loudly that even Slade covered his ears.

"Really" miffed Slade. "If you want to continue working for me, you must learn how to control your daughter." 

"Sorry, sir." grunted Killer Moth. Kitten had started to get annoying as a teenager, but now it might cost him his job.

"Kitten, get down here right now! You and I need to have a little talk."

"But Daaadddyyy.."

"No buts! Get down here."

Slade was glad that he chooses apprentices wisely.  He would never want to end up with someone like her. But her rage might be useful to his plan.

"So, honey, what's the problem?" asked Killer Moth. 

"You already know the problem!" Kitten screamed louder than a rock concert.  "Fang is worthless and a loser! And Robin likes that stupid alien girl Starfire!" 

"Starfire what now?" asked Slade. He was above petty teenage problems, but he never was aware that the boy wonder might have a weakness other than him.

"Yeah! They're all over each other! I watched a special news report about how the Teen Titans saved Tokyo, and they were holding hands in one photo! It's no fair..." Kitten sobbed into Killer Moth's chest dramatically. 

"There, there, dear girl. I never thought you would be useful to my operation, but you have given me something I could have never imagined..." Slade petted Kitten's hair.

Kitten pulled Slade's hand away and pouted. "And what would that be?" 

"You, my darling, are going to kidnap." 


Hi guys! this is my first chapter of this story. I will update daily, so don't go anywhere!

Please comment and tell me what you like! (Or tell me what you would like me to change)

~Frankie :)


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