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(Raven's point of view)

After we returned home, things without Robin were a mess. Beastboy never played video games, or made stupid jokes. One time he was so out of it that he almost ate a piece of meat, and I had to stop him. Cyborg was trying to assume the leader role among the Titans, but every now and then I hear him saying "What would Robin do?" or the stress getting too much to him. I meditated and didn't eat or drink for hours on end, because if I showed my true sadness for Robin, my powers would be out of control and there would be trouble. We were grieving. On the other hand, Star had completely fallen apart. If I didn't come out of my room for hours, she didn't come out of her room for days. We had to remind her to eat food, or even get out of bed. Her powers were completely gone. I looked into her mind once, and she was even thinking about killing herself because she could not live without Robin. Ever since I found that out, we checked on her every 2 hours. We still went on missions, but she did not come with us, and no one wanted to go anyway. If things carried on like this, the Teen Titans might have to break up.

(Robin's point of view)

After the fall, I drifted in and out of consciousness, knowing I would not live long. Every long, harrowing breath I took, I thought about Star and the team. I had to survive, for them. But in the deep canyon, I had nothing to eat, nothing to drink. My wounds were very severe and if I didn't move or put a bandage on them soon, I would bleed to death in a matter of hours. "Only a miracle could save me now.." I thought, closing my eyes for what I thought would be the final time. As i was about to give up on surviving, I felt a tap on my shoulder, making sure I was still alive. Who was saving me?

(Raven's point of view)

A week after Robin's death, the Teen Titans were having their final meeting about that we would always be friends, but we would need to split peacefully and fight crime separately. Star was still sniffing and blubbering every few seconds, while we figured out what to do with her, since she couldn't go anywhere alone. The doorbell rang, which sent Starfire over the edge with its loud noise. "We'll get it, Star" Cyborg put a hand on her shoulder. "It's gonna be ok." We walked to the door, but we were super surprised at what we saw. 

(Starfire's point of view)

I was going to finally put the own death onto myself, because I could not live without Robin. I saw the cooking knife, that boyfriend Robin had lovingly prepared so many meals with. I lifted it up, knowing I would be with the him soon. Suddenly, friend Raven burst in through the door. "Star, no!" she shouted. I sighed and put the knife down. "I was just about to start cooking, friend Raven, what is it?" Raven sighed. "There's a vistor outside the door." "Who? I asked. "It's a Titan" she responded, walking out the door. I followed behind the her. "Perhaps it is the Aqualad or friend Bumblebee" I thought while following her. "I will say goodbye to them, for I will not be on this earth much longer." I walked out the door, looking down. Everything was quiet. "Who is this friend you speak of?" I finally looked up. Raven, Cyborg, and Beastboy were smiling, but in the middle of them was a face that I had been missing the most. Robin. He was in many casts, but he was still my Robin. I knew we were soulmates that day, when I saw his shining face. I didn't even notice Kitten was next to the him.

I ran from the door and lept into his arms, kissing him. He lifted up my waist, and put his arm around me. It felt like a billion flanorbaflies lighting up in my brain. The kiss felt like forever, and I never wanted to stop. After 5 minutes we parted lips, but we were still the hugging and the crying in each other's arms. "I missed you more than you will ever know" he whispered into my ear. "I love the you, Robin" I whispered back. We pulled apart, still holding hands. "Ah geez" groaned Beastboy. "Get a room!" 

"How did you ever survive?" asked friend Raven after everyone had hugged Robin. "I hate to say it.." he smirked, "But it's all thanks to Kitten here. Who knew hair curlers could restart a heart?"

"Well duh! Of course I saved you, Robbie poo! Daddy might get a little mad, but I can't get a boyfriend if you're dead!" exclaimed Kitten.

"Even though I still think you are a grum-plork, I thank you." I exclaimed, eyes still shining. Robin was back, and no one could take him from the me.

"Come on, guys, let's go back inside. I think this calls for a Pizza party!" Beastboy exclaimed.

"No tofu pizza, you hear me!" shouted Cyborg, chasing after friend Beastboy.

We giggled, and Boyfriend Robin carried the me inside, excited for the future that was to come.


hi guys! epilogue will be up tomorrow, telling what happened with the Titans, their relationships, and if they have kids!  I hope you enjoyed this part of the story!


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