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(Starfire's point of view)

The metal clawers pinched us harder than we would like. We squirmed, and tried to get out, but it was no use. We finally accepted that we were the doomed.

Cyborg sighed and said "If we're going to die, we're going to die together"

Friend Beastboy looked the stunned, then nodded. To my great surprise, Raven placed her hand in his.

The giant gun of ray was pointing at Friend Cyborg. He smiled the sad smile, and said the goodbyes. We heard the gun fire, but friend Cyborg was still ok. Why?

I looked down and I saw that boyfriend Robin was blocking the gun of ray from hurting cyborg. He was bruised and hurt, but it did not kill him, since the gun of ray was made to hurt someone with cyborg's powers. He did the same for Beastboy, but it caused him greater pain. He was crying, and screaming. I wanted so badly to help him. As he jumped in front of Raven, I realized that saving me would the kill him. I screamed "No, Robin! Do not save me!" but he whispered "I love you" with the last of his strength, and jumped in front of the gun of ray. The shot was so strong that it made him fall down into a canyon in slade's lair. 

Robin was... The gone. "NO!" I cried with all my strength, and broke the chains with my bare hands. I saw the Slade, the one who had done this to my Robin. I hit him with my sonic energy explosion that came from me being the angry, and it hit him so hard that he fell off the same cliff as Robin did. He could probably survive the fall, but i hoped he did not. Because he had killed my robin, the one thing that could make me the happy. 

Friend Cyborg sighed, and looked down, doing the mourning for robin. Raven started crying, and sobbed into Beastboy's arms. Beastboy, the jokester, was silent and serious, and even started tearing up a little. I was a mess. I was crying, and I would never the stop. I did not know how to live without my robin.

Cyborg put his hand on my shoulder. "Come on, Star, let's go home" he said, his voice cracking with sadness. 

"He is my home" I whispered, but I followed them.


Did robin really die? Find out in next chapter!

This was the saddest thing I've ever made, I'm sorry.



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