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(Robin's point of view)

"Paint my nails, Robbie poo!" 

I was in Kitten's room, being her slave. So far, I had cleaned her room, caught up on the latest issue of Tiger Beat while Kitten yammered on, and did her makeup. "It's all for Starfire." I kept repeating in my head. "I have to make sure she's safe." But when Kitten leaned in for a kiss, it was too much for me to handle. I put a hand in front of my face, shielding myself.

"Kitten?" I asked. "Why are you doing this? I'm sure you could find a boyfriend without working with Slade."

"I don't just want any boyfriend, Robbie-poo. I want you, and when Starfire's out of the picture-"


"Oopsie" smirked Kitten.

"Apprentice" Slade's voice came over the intercom, maybe to prevent me hearing what kitten said, but it was too late. I already knew, and I was ANGRY.

"Apprentice, I need you. Come to the main office for your assignment."

I knew Starfire was probably captured already, and somewhere in this building. Slade had installed security cameras everywhere, so there was no way to get anywhere without being noticed. I smashed the security camera in Kitten's room, and used her phone to call the Titans.

"Titans, I'm alive. Hurry, we don't have much time. I'm in Killer Moth and Kitten's house. Come as soon as you get this and don't call back, because I'm destroying this phone."  I smashed the sparkly pink phone on the ground, much to kitten's disappointment. "My phone!" She howled. I tied her up and stuffed a rag in her mouth to keep her quiet.

I started running through the halls of the house, smashing every security camera I saw. "Star!" I yelled. "If you can hear me, scream as loud as you can!" She did, and I hopped up into the vents to follow her sound better, and to avoid Killer Moth and Slade.

I reached where she was, but as I peaked through the vent, I saw that Slade had reached her first. 

"Let's make this quick" Slade said. "Especially now that your boyfriend has discovered your whereabouts, maybe your death will keep him more motivated to follow my orders."

I leaped out of the vent with my staff. "Motivate this!" I shouted, swiping at Slade, but he dodged my attack.

"Dear apprentice, you've used that line before. Maybe you're getting weaker? Got no new tricks?"

"Turn around." I smirked. Raven, Beast-boy, and cyborg were behind Slade, ready to fight.

"Dudes" said Beast-boy. "What's that machine doing to Starfire?"

"The same thing it's going to do to you!" yelled Slade. 3 big metal claws grabbed Cyborg, Beast-boy, and Raven and placed them into the machine. "Really, robin, I'm not as stupid as you think. I monitor all the phones here, and I knew they were coming. Their powers will be as useful to me as any!" 

"No" I whispered. It was all my fault. Now not only would Starfire would get hurt, but the rest of my friends would too. I saw the gun that would zap their powers to Slade, and since i had no powers, i knew what I had to do.

I had to make a sacrifice.


The next chapter is gonna be sad, so enjoy this while you can:(

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