A Day at the tower

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(Raven's point of view)

        It was a normal day at the tower. Starfire was making one of her tamaranian dishes that even the ants wouldn't eat. Beastboy and Cyborg were playing video games. Would they ever shut up? Unlikely.  I, of course, was reading. It was a normal day for everyone, except for robin. He had not left his room for a day, obsessing over slade. I guess for him, that is normal, but not for me. He even refused Starfire's company, which was very strange. I decided to look inside his head to figure out what was going on, since I sure as hell wouldn't know any other way.

I whispered "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos" and tried to make psychic contact with him, but nothing came up.

"That's weird" I thought. "He should be in the room right next to.."

I opened the door to his room and saw a robot, shaped like robin. A voice box was attached to it, and it said "Go away!" on a loop whenever someone entered the room.

Robin was gone. Taken. Where, I didn't know. He wasn't being Red X again, because his costume was stolen by a mystery thief. He wasn't training with bushido, because he would've told us. The T-ship was still here, so he hadn't gone tramping off on a solo adventure. I went into the living room to tell the others.

"Robin's gone." The second I said that, Starfire dropped her dish and it fell to the ground, oozing into the carpet.

"Come on, Star, that will never wash out of the carpet" groaned cyborg.

"Apologies, friend, but Robin is gone! Perhaps he has been taken by an ooze monster! Or the terrible Krookamoog! We must find him!" Starfire's eyes started to turn green. She was clearly worried.

"Uh, I don't think so, star. He was probably kidnapped by someone like Red X, The brain, or Brother Blood. Someone crafty and cunning" Cyborg suggested. 

"And who else do we know that is crafty and cunning?" I asked.

Everyone answered at the same time. "Slade."

Starfire curled up into a ball and whimpered.

"Hey, star, don't be sad! We can't rule out zombies!" 

I smacked Beastboy on the back of the head. "You're really thinking about zombies?" 

"You're right, raven. I'll shut up now."

Traveling down the elevator, we began to look for Robin.


Hi again! I updated sooner than I thought I would, but I really like this story

Please vote and comment if you want me to include stuff in the story, give me plot suggestions, etc.


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