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( Robin's point of view)

It was a normal day, like Raven would say. I had gotten up, ready for another day of fighting evil. I was the earliest one up, so I poured myself a glass of water and went to the bathroom. When I was in there, I heard a noise outside, which was weird because I knew no one was up. I burst through the door with my staff,  but immediately afterward, I felt stupid. No one was there. I took another drink of my water, and got really tired. I sat down on the couch, and then suddenly fell down. I was definitely drugged. The last thing I remember was kitten's face, smirking over me. "Oh no.." I whispered with the last of my consciousness. 

When I woke up, a sack was over my head. I tried to wiggle out of my chains, but they were made of hot, strong steel. I was surprised that Kitten, if she wasn't a hallucination and really kidnapped me,  knew how to get these kinds of restraints.

My sack got pulled off suddenly. "Hiiiii, robbie-poo!" I groaned.

"Now I wish you were a hallucination" I grumbled.

"Oh, don't be like that, robbie-poo. You knew you were dying to see this face." She blew an  air kiss into my face, and even though I was in chains, I tried to avoid it.

"Give it up, Kitten. You couldn't have done this by yourself. Your father must have a reason for kidnapping me." 

"Well yes, and no." A voice sounded from the corner. A voice that I knew very well.


"Welcome back, apprentice."

"I will never be your apprentice, even if it costs me my life." I used all my strength to try to break through the chains,  but I still couldn't do it.

"Well, Robin, that's exactly why we're here."

"What do you want? And why are you working with her?"

"Your friends will suspect me, but they will never expect you to be here, or to be kidnapped by her."

"And besides" Kitten snuffed. "We have some demands."

"Exactly, Kitten. In any matter of time, your friends will come looking for you. They will go to my old lair. An army of slade bots will attack, and amidst the fighting chaos, I will take the thing that is most precious to you."

"And what would that be? I have no gold, have no secrets"

"Are you sure about that?" Starfire's face appeared on the screen.

"Robin? Where are you, robin?"

She was looking for me. My heart sunk and broke into a million pieces. I knew what I had to do.

"Please" My voice cracked. "Take me instead"

"I'd knew you say that" smirked Slade. "Our demands are simple. You will become my apprentice again, and have no contact at all with your friends. If you make one step out of line, Starfire is history."

"And"added Kitten, with  a huge grin on her face. "You will date me, and be my servant."

"Oh no.." I said.

"Do it." said Slade. "Unless you'd rather have the alternative."


"Oh thank you, Robbie poo! Of course I'll be your girlfriend!"

Robin was in hell. For the first time ever, he didn't know how to get out of this.

Little did he know that Starfire was being captured no matter what he did.

Because Slade had a much bigger plan than just winning back an apprentice.

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