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It's been about 6 months since that phone call. Gerald and I haven't talked since. Which was a good thing. He hardly ever even crosses my mind anymore, I'm just too busy. I've got a paid internship at a magazine called Holo. Basically I just review apps that are targeted for people around my age group. I've also started seeing someone recently, his name is Nathan. He is a great guy, nothing is too official yet, but he doesn't have a wife, so I'd say things are going pretty well. I'm going to school for computer science and my grades are flawless, Roxy has become my very best friend, everything is pretty much falling into place.

I was leaving my calculus class when Roxy calls me. "Hey Rox, what's up?"

"Hey girly! There's an extremely attractive guy at our dorm for you."

Damn, I didn't want her to meet Nate until we were actually official.

"Oh, okay, tell him I'll be there soon, thanks Rox."

"You better hurry before I snatch him up."

I rolled my eyes. "I'll see you in like 5 minutes." And then I hung up.

I raced up the stares to my dorm and quickly unlocked the door. As i swung it open, my eyes quickly darted to a tall silhouette standing in the living room.

Fucking Gerald.

I immediately turned around, not closing the door behind me and charging down the stairs. I heard him following me so I began to walk faster.

"Arianna. Can you please slow the fuck down."

"Fuck off Gerald."


"I said fuck off. Does it look like I wanna talk to you?"

"Just give me a few minutes. Please."

I stopped. "Three minutes. That's all you get." I walked a little closer to him.

"You look beautiful." Gerald smiled.

I rolled my eyes. "Is that it?"

"No." He cleared his throat. "Diana and I are officially divorced."

"Okay?" I scoffed.

"Arianna I'm single now. The kids love you, I love you. It's so perfect. Have dinner with me tonight."

He has never said he loved me before. 6 months ago my heart would of fell out of my chest on to his lap, but now I feel nothing.

"Gerald we haven't spoken in six fucking months."

"I know, I know. It's been hurting me too, but I was just waiting for all this divorce bullshit to be over with. I'm ready to be with you Ari. I wanna be with you."

"We haven't spoken in six mouths. I'm over it Gerald. I'm over you. I have no desire to be with you. I do miss the kids, but that's all I miss. I'm happier now, I'm getting my life together. I do not need you to come back and tear it apart again."

"So you found somebody new?"

"That is none of your fucking business."

"Arianna. You were begging for me a few months ago."

"Your three minutes are up, Gerald." I began to walk away.

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