How it all begun.

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Make way for the new dinning hall prefect, a shout came from the crowd as I was led to the stage to say a few words. I was so shy and confused at the same time.

Well let me go back to a week earlier before all these begun to happen.
During our usual morning devotion our headmaster came to give us great news about our up coming election of prefects into the school. I felt nothing but relieve that those annoying seniors would be pushed aside for new ones who must better be nicer than those ones.

"Hey! Girl, we will be seniors soon so why not go for one of these prefectships? ", Barbara asked me.

"Dear I'm not actually ready to control the school because they can worry and stress out people. Those prefect there are even suffering, ahh well I'm not interested ", I snapped.

Come to think of it, I'm cool and hate nonsense so if I become one it won't work out. I'm even scared of crowd so no way.
We all went to class with moody faces since I for instance had mathematics to learn, huh it's just work. I hate maths so I'm imagining how lazy and bored everyone in class will be.

The alarm went for break and from the faces I'm staring at now it's worth it. Today is Friday so we will be having pulses with gari, it's actually beans with oil on top making it look attractive a little. Well since we are in high school we can't ask for anything better. I finished my bowl of it and asked for more since I was extremely hungry.

The dorms were still locked as usual. I don't even know the duty of the house prefects, it's really annoying since one has to either stand or sit on the bare floor to wait. I had to send a form one student to remind Dorcas my house prefect that we are still waiting.
As soon the student left I saw her walking slowly towards the building. I got so pissed that I wanted to just scream at her but who I'm I to do so. Minutes later after the doors were opened, the tap side was occupied with girls in their nightwears holding buckets containing their sponge bag. From where I was standing I could see the bath house getting full with naked girls with lather on them, others now about to undress and the rest leaving the bath house.

As lazy as I am, I ignore to bath. Wore my house attire with my belt pinned then moved to the dinning hall with my lunch bag containing a plate and cutlery. The metal pole was banged using a stone by the dinning hall prefects in short D. H. Ps to alert the student body that it was time for supper. I really hated it when these so called ladies had to walk slowly and chat with their mates before entering the hall before even getting seated. We had to wait for almost half an hour before everyone was seated. We shared the food and ate in peace. Others who felt so big to eat here took their foods to their classrooms, those with privileges also ate in their rooms which is against the rules of the school.

We shared the last grace and left for prep. Prep which meant students were supposed to be in their classes learning was turned into students sleeping or chatting even some had fun with the time by writing love letters and a whole lot. I on the other hand actually never liked to learn unless an exam was close. I usually write songs or design letters for the ones in love. I saw their high school love to be childish since they were dating students of their same level. Imagine two students in love, they are in the high school but different locations, they both get provisions from their parents or guardians to cater for themselves. So I ask, is this love or stupidity at the nonsense degree.

I'm actually not that love type, I don't believe in that crap and hope I will forever not believe that. The alarm went for prep over as everyone moved to their various houses. The school, Praises High had three houses namely: Marvel, Glamorous and Adventurous. I belong to the Glamorous house but don't see anything glamorous about it. It looks so normal and neat since we work our butt out to make it that way. We always win the best house because of our paid off hardwork.

I'm feeling too lazy to still bath so I go straight to bed.

The alarm goes for everyone to wake up. We basically live according to rules which I try my very best to follow especially no speaking of our local dialect Twi. They make the rules look too rigid and this bores my left ass a lot leaving the right ass to stand still. It's Saturday already, my day to be precise. I love Saturdays here since I can continue sleeping right after devotion but not when there's an inspection of dorms. That shit irritates me, we have to take out our personal stuffs like excess dresses, buckets, towels and etc. Just to make the rooms look attractive. After all these ,the rooms are checked and scored to find the neatest room. It's amazing after everything the neatest room doesn't get anything but smiles. So so annoying, we get our stuffs back inside and sleep.

When it was time for breakfast we the second years sent the first years to get us our food from the dinning hall. We select a student or two to go for it for all of us. We enjoy and then relax, some turn to go washing their dirty stuffs as we turn to read love books. Point of correction love isn't my thing but books about it is just crazy and unbelievably sick. There's a library in the school but I haven't stepped my foot there before but I've heard a lot about the place being boring and not having a lot of books to display. I suddenly feel sorry for the school. The day goes well enough for me to smile in my sleep.

Sunday!! The noise from the school's alarm makes me angry all over again thinking of when I would actually graduate and live this shit hole. Sorry for my language but the school annoys me to the brim. I never thought of coming here but my father thought it wise to bring me here since my cousins Emily Asante and Oye Addo would be joining me. I met them a month after we begun schooling here.

They seem nice. Well the first Saturday of every month are days we don't joke with. One may have a visitor or not. Some expect their parents to come but get lame excuses on the very day which sucks. We called this 'nashing' and those getting visitors 'reigning '. I'm not from a wealthy or perfect home but I have never 'nashed' before, is either my dad comes with my brother Joe or my mum surprises me.

One talent of mine is to sing, yeah I know right. Me, sing? It doesn't make sense. I really know that but when these sexy lips move to produce sounds, you need a tissue to wipe your tears away since it will touch your soul but not heart. I left my bowl with Augustina the assistant Dhp who is my student care giver, don't worry I will explain how that came to be later. Then leave for choir rehearsal, Oye and Ella Dickson her bestie were seated in the front roll of the alto lane so I joined them to have a little chit chat before joining my sopranos to rehearsal an anthem. We ended the last song on a good note, we prayed and left the room to the chapel. My slit was to long that I could barely move my legs. Well since this is a girls school we were slit and 'Caba' to chapel or church as you might like me to say.

We the choristers have separated seats from the rest and so does the singing groups and praises team. Come on! Praises team and Praise High are two different things so don't confuse yourself sweetheart. Let's move on.

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