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Wednesday is here. I actually like Wednesdays here since its all about us singing for almost two hours. The songs just make me feel I can do anything I put my mind to and yes I can.

The alarm went off for everyone to wake up then for devotion. I had already worked on my plot which was to sweep the corridor and mop. We moved to the devotional ground then begun to sing worship songs. We prayed and noticed the teachers in a really good mood since they were all smiling which doesn't happen often. Mrs. Amankwa greeted us as she walk to the stage, she's the senior house mistress of the school. We responded as she continued, " Vetting of the young ladies who boldly came for the application forms is today, so if you are one of them make sure you are ready by eleven o'clock this morning to be vetted".

Immediately I begun sweat. I am not ready for this shit. What will I wear?
'how crazy are you, school uniform of course '
What will I say or do?
' they will ask the questions so if you know then you answer '
What if I don't know?
'then you shut up '
Is my hair okay? I don't have a watch, ow no!
' cool off girl, it's just a common vetting '
Have you been through one before?
' mad girl, forgotten so soon I'm you. No! Fool'
It's okay, I started everything so please hold it there.

I walked to class feeling so uncomfortable. Everyone was talking about it and asking one another if they went for a form. Isabella asked me about it and I foolishly said yes. She had always wanted to be a compound prefect and I knew with her hard work and intelligence she would get it but not me.
"so what form did you pick?", she asked
"library prefect ", I faked a smile.
"Nice, nice, I pray we get it", she looked so happy.

During breakfast I didn't even feel like eating since I was nervous. I went to see Sis Augustina to ask about the vetting process and all. She gave me a few clues to which I was grateful like I should borrow someone's watch so I look serious. I should comb my hair very well and clean my sandals. I then moved to my school sister Irene to add more to it. She told me during her time they asked her riddles which were confusing but she tried her best to answer. An example is, a cork laid eggs on a triangular rooftop, if the eggs are to fall where would it fall?
I answered by saying the left side of the roof. She said no. Then I changed it by saying the right side. No again! ,"a cork not hen so the answer is a cork doesn't lay eggs"
I felt so stupid for not paying attention to the question before answering.
"Before you enter knock, if there's no response don't enter until someone tells you to enter. If you are not asked to sit, don't sit. When you sit close your legs, all these things are petty things they will look for before beginning to ask questions. If you don't know something smile and tell them you don't know it, never frown. Be brief as much as you can and you will be fine", she smiled at me and hugged me.

"All students awaiting vetting should move to the front view of the science lab right now", a voice spoke through the speakers around the school.

I can actually feel my heart jumping restlessly. I follow the crowd to the destination and stand as a woman walks to us to inform us to sit and wait. She separated us since we all weren't going for one position. Those going for the library prefect were six and they needed only two people. Wow!  This is going to be fun. Exactly three people were standing for head girls, five students were standing for the compound prefectship but only three were needed and Isabella was one. The list goes on and on, I'm thinking of how I'm gonna flip in there.

Four people had already been vetted as at twelve thirty so I was imagining when my turn would come since I was the twentieth person to go in. Some came out with smiles, others frowns and the rest just moody faces. So what face will I come out with, I'm thinking of a happy face since I know I won't qualify. This is the eighth time I'm checking the time. I felt so uncomfortable when it was time for short break and the students were staring at us.

Comment like "these sisters going for these positions will kill us when they get it", made me laugh because I would be a senior by then so it won't affect me in anyway.

"Mika Appeaning? It's your turn ", the woman announces.
My heart! My heart! I'm really screaming within.
I try to recall what Irene told me. Knock! I did that, a voice told me to enter so I did.
Remember don't sit.
I greeted them and they responded.
"Have a seat dear ", Mrs. Amoako said.
I responded by saying thank you as I sat.
"Describe yourself to us", Mr. Agyei looked at me.
I begun, "My name is Mika Appeaning, I'm eighteen years old. I come from Kete Krachi in the Volta region. I attend Praise International school".
"Praise international school? ", he asked with disappointment as the panel all stared at me.
"Yes", I'm now confused.
"International school? ", Mrs. Amoako asked too
"Ei no! No! Senior high school, sorry. I'm sorry ", I felt so ashamed. They all laughed and told me to continue.
"I like to sing and read", I forced a smile.

"OK Mika, why do you want to become a library prefect? "
"I want to be a library prefect because I want to get access to books and read to improve my vocabulary and help others to also do so", I smiled.

"that's nice but why library prefect since there are other positions like that of the dinning hall?", another man asked.
I was about to answer when he asked again, "would you like to be a dinning hall prefect?".
"Yes but I prefer the library prefect "
They all smiled and wrote something down.
"You are a home economics student, ain't you? "
"Yes I am"
"So don't you think the dinning hall prefect would suit you because you are already into the food aspect? "
I didn't answer but smiled because this wasn't what I was expecting. They are making me admit things which I don't like since I kinda know where it's heading.
"Mika, your results here clearly tells us your strength in all subjects. We think it won't benefit you to have this position since you are not really good in English.", she said and cleared her throat.
"That will be all dear, you may take your leave", he said as I stood up to walk away. I didn't know how I looked like right now but I was ashamed, hurt, sad, moody, happy because I didn't get it and the worst of all was I didn't know even what to do again.

Three students were left to go in then that would be all. I couldn't look at their direction because I knew they would ask how it went. I really couldn't bring myself to answer them or anyone else. I walked to my class and found it empty to my surprise so sat on my desk and placed my head down to try and forget what just happened.

Hardly did I answer any one who called out to me. I slept through out supper but had my food brought to me by Molly who couldn't bring herself to not see me eat. She's such a darling. During prep I brought out the food and begun to eat, after my third spoon I closed the bowl and hid it under the desk. Some had gone for their letters since today is Wednesday. Every Wednesday is letters day. Some receiving letters from their siblings in other schools, others their lovers and some too their admirers.

With my head on the desk Yasmin our secretary tapped me on the back and handed me a letter with my name boldly written. I was doubting who it might be from as I opened it.
"Hey everyone our Mika got a letter today oo! ",  Vanessa shouted as they all looked at me and laughed. I actually haven't gotten a letter since form one when my brother wrote to me.

Isabella came to sit with me to help me open it. She took it from me since I was delaying and brought out the paper.
"Don't try! ", I took the paper and begun to read.

"Hey small girl it's Francis. School is so boring and I can't wait to go home or even be a senior. Those small children coming should better be sensible because I won't be taking care of any dame child as a school son. This school makes me sick. Work, work, everywhere. Oww Charlie I'm so tired. I can't wait to see you and insult you. Hahah! Hope everything is going on well at your end?  How's the place like? All girls, in case there is no water how do you guys feel? I know you paa you won't bath. Lol, I know you will smile Hahah. Well see you soon, my greetings to your friends. Charlie I need a girl. So link up asap. Bye! ", I couldn't stop smiling after reading.

"Eii class look at how happy she is, eii love letter can make one go crazy. ",she said as everyone laughed again. She took it, read it then passed it to almost everyone present. I just didn't want to talk so allowed them to do what they please.

I got to the dorm after prep over then saw everyone holding a letter. People actually have loved ones so it's normal to see them every Wednesday with letters, those without too get so sad and moody. Well I take it to be normal. I thank Molly for the food then go straight to bed.


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