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I woke up very early and did same to everyone.
"It's too early Mika! Allow us to sleep in peace, please?", Abigail our dorm girl said as she pulled her cover cloth on her body again.

"Well I thought it wise to let you all know the tape isn't flowing well so you better go and bath! ", I shouted. The moment they heard it everyone jumped from their bed and with their buckets run to the tape side to fetch water. They got there to only find a few girls there and the water was flowing so well.

They run back with angry faces to beat the hell out of me but came to meet an empty room. Some went back to sleep as others took their baths then joined them after . They barely saw me through out the day since I was kinda busy.

During devotion Mrs. Amoako announced that today would be our voting day and that the vetted students should move to the IT lab after the gathering was over. We did just that and were directed to sit at the back of each computer there. All screens were on and had an app on it which needed our details.
"Can you all see the application being launched? ", Mr. Osei asked.
"Yes sir", we responded
"Fill in your details now", he continued and had a seat.

Well, there was a space I had to type my name in full, date of birth, nationality, position vying for and it also needed a picture of me. I typed everything necessary but left out the picture part.
"Now I hope you all are done? ", he asked.
"Yes sir", we answered.
"From this roll come on after the other and get your picture taken", he pointed to the roll opposite mine.

He took the pictures like a passport photo and attached it to our details on the computer. When he was done with everyone, he made us still sit at our various places. He showed us how we were going to vote and allowed us to do the voting ourselves. First of all everyone had a code, after entering the code the app will display our photos in order of positions . So depending on the person you like you click on her photo to select her as your prefect and this is done till the last position has been given to a candidate. After everything you click on "DONE ",then take your leave.

We left the lab to our various houses before the information prefect repeatedly said, "all students should move to the IT lab to vote right now". Everyone begun to move except we the "wannabes ". I relaxed and said a word of prayer not to win before entering my dreamland.

The room became so noisy which woke me up from my beautiful sleep. The seniors in the room begun to scream at me.
"So you were going for a position and never told us about it!! ", Sis Vero looked pissed.
Everyone was now looking at me with different expressions, I didn't know what to say so smiled at her.
"If you don't win, what I will do to you ", Sis Jennifer added.

'See this one too, annoyance. She shouldn't come and bore me right now. If only she knew I won't win', I smiled to myself.

"Girls have you forgotten that we were looking for this rat in the morning? ", Sis Vero smiled wickedly at me. "Yes! Yes! She lied to us", another person said. They all run to my bed as I hid in my blanket as if to prevent whatever was going to happen. They begun to tickle me so hard that my ribs hurt badly.
"I'm so sorry, it never h..ap..pen please", I laughed out. My voice had reduced from laughing to awch! As I touched my left belly side to the right. They stopped and left me to endure my pain in peace.

Supper was kenkey with sardine and pepper. A table of ten were to share three tins of sardine, is that enough? No! But we have no choice. I walked to the phone booth to give my people a call. The first was my dad, "Hey my sweetpie how are you. Is everything fine. I miss you so much. This Saturday is the first Saturday of the month so I will come see you okay? " I don't even know which one to answer first.
"Okay dad. Everything is just fine. I went for a position which is the library prefect ",
"Come again I couldn't hear you? ", he asked
"I said everything is fine and will be expecting you then", I lied.
"Sure dear go and learn for me,bye! ", he hanged up.

"Kami!! Isn't it late to be calling, don't you have books to study? ",
"Hello mum, it's nice to also hear from you", I snapped.
"You know I always want to see you excel right? "
"so I shouldn't call my mum again? "
"Kami! I didn't say that. Well I need to go talk to you later, bye!", she hanged up before I could speak.

I hate it when she calls me that. Kami! Like what the hell is that . I remember her telling me she didn't like the name my dad gave me so she would rather turn the name to suit herself.

"Will they leave there before I get angry ", Sis Stephanie shouted like one big horse whiles approaching us. We quickly removed our SIM cards and left. She really liked to have the phone booth to herself and invite her friends to join her call those fucked up boys they know as boyfriends. It really pisses me off but here again I have no say.

The class looked nice today since it had been swept and had no rubbish behind the door. I mean well swept for that matter. I smiled and walked to my seat. A few girls grouped and begun to whisper to one another.
"So Mika was going for the library prefect and didn't inform any of us! ", Poyoyo stood in front of the class yet again to annoy me.
"She thinks she can win without her classmates voting or champagning for her ", another laughed hard as the rest joined.
In my head they actually didn't know the motive behind me going for the position and it's basically not their concern. It's my life and how I choose to live it.

"She can't even defend herself ", she looks at me with jealous eyes and really wants to get on my last nerve. As calm as I wanted to be I just ignored her and laughed. They all seem amazed by my change of attitude since they know I'm the non-nonsense type.
I looked back at her and asked, "are you done? ".

The heat from the question filled the class as I stood up to live with my bag on my shoulder. I joined Oye in her class till prep was over. We walked towards the dorms said our goodnight and went to our rooms. My bed looked crumpled meaning someone had sat on it and forgot to straighten it.
"How many times have I told you not to sit on my bed?", I looked at Molly but she was fast asleep which even annoyed me more.
"Leave the girl alone ", Salomey laughed at me.
"so who provoked you, tell me", she tapped the bed telling me to sit by her.

"it's nothing, I'm just tired. ", as soon as I ended we heard screams from the other block. We all rushed out to have a look at what was happening, even the sleepy ones awoke. The girls were all over the place shouting. The only thing I heard was, "the results are in! ".
So I thought about it, which results?
Ow yeah, the prefectship results.

I got extra upset and walked back to undress and sleep. The dorm door banged so loudly making me shake.
"Mika you are our new dinning hall prefect ", she hugged me knocking us down on the bed.
Those around heard it and also begun to shout the news.

It felt like my heart had been stabbed soo many times with a knife and I'm still not dying. I didn't want to believe it so pushed her off my bed telling her it's a false rumor and forced myself to sleep. It actually took a while before I could sleep since the thought of it being true was hunting me seriously.

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