What a nightmare.

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"Father Lord, you are the King of kings, the one who gives life. The one who heals broken hearts, Father I come before you as your daughter asking you to not put me to shame. Lord I come against anyone who wants my down fall especially by handing me any position not to talk of being a Dhp. Daddy I know I've been naughty but that doesn't mean I can't be good. Daddy let's look at it from this angle, if I get that position I will eat a lot. I may be arrogant, I may punish others like the dream I had. Lord I beg you, I'm on my knees this early morning for you to make me maintain my common floor membership. I don't want everyone to know me. I hate crowd, I have a tinny voice to even shout. Daddy! You know me too well to give me such a position but still in all things you said we should give you thanks. Still Lord, don't let me have it.Amen!", I wiped the tears away and stood up.

It went to take my bath then woke Molly up to do so. I wore my vest and underwear then climbed down to sit by the tape side since I was sad. For about five minutes only two people had woken up to fetch water.
I slightly screamed when a hand touched my shoulder ,"hey!".
"Ahh Oye don't scare me like that! ", I sat again as she did same by me.
"What's wrong Mika? You can't sleep? ", she now looked worried.
I turned to face her to answer but before I knew I was hugging her. She hugged me back and we stayed like that for some minutes before sitting upright.
" I went for one of the forms to be a library prefect and we both know I really hate to read"
She nodded as I continued, "well I actually did it because I lied to my house mistress about it so tried to make it right. Then just yesterday night someone came to me telling me I had been given the dhp position, like what the hell. I didn't choose that ".

"in a way I will be happy to know you had that position but do you like it? ", she asked.
"no! ", I look away.
"Then if it's true you need to let them know you don't like it", she added.
"I'm wondering how they could change it from library to dinning hall all of a sudden. They asked me whether I wanted it and I said no. ", I feel more sad.
"Let's wait and see what happens, okay", she brushed her fingers on my back then left to bath leaving me with my thoughts.

The sky is becoming brighter now so I walk back to get dressed. Everyone was talking but when I entered the room they stopped making me feel I was the topic.
"you sat on my bed and forgot to straighten it abi?", I asked Molly as she was getting dressed.
"I'm very sorry Sister Mika, I forgot ", she smiled.
Hmm! You are just not annoying.

Today being Friday we normally have a short devotion for class to begin and end quickly so everyone enjoys the rest of the day. Some go for club meetings, rehearsal, others reading at the library and the rest sleeping or making noise. Today seemed different because I could see the first years arranging the dinning hall. I asked one of them what was going to happen she told me we were going to have devotion there. My thoughts came back hunting me, my body became hot as if I have high fever. The dhp Augustina gave me a smile before banging the pole to alert everyone to move to the hall.

My hand was held back by Oforiwa my classmate who wanted to walk with me inside.  We sat then had to wait for a few minutes before our headmaster came in along with our senior house mistress and other teachers.
"I think it's about the results ", she whispered to me.
The only thing I did was pray.

"Good morning my lovely girls", he greeted as we all stood up to respond.
"No!  Sit, sit, I have a very good news for everyone. The results are out as you can see", Mrs. Amoako waved a brown envelope up.

"You all voted for your candidates but there were things we had to put in place to ensure perfection. The panel had a problem with some candidates due to their regular performance academically. There's something you all need to know, if ones performance is poor she can never be given a position here because it might even bring her down drastically. These positions ain't easy, we need hardworking, intelligent and smart girls to take it up even though it might use most of their time. So if one's performance is poor and a position is added she might fail in everything even her final exams to live this place which will be very bad on our part. So with the names about to be mentioned know that we did a lot of analysis to consider you for that position. ", he then sat and gave way for Mrs. Amoako to speak.

With my heart down my throat I couldn't breath anymore, I needed air for what is to come.
"When you hear your name walk up stage and have a seat ", she pointed to her right where chairs had been arranged orderly.

"She begun from the health prefects, then sports, library which my name wasn't mentioned so faces looked at me with sadness, mail, utility, protocol, entertainment, prep, house prefects, dhp! ", she paused after looking at our faces then continued.
"Betty Bonti main, Mika Appeaning assist 1 then Rita Dominique assist 2", I covered my face immediately like my name wasn't mentioned.

"Mika! Mika! She mentioned your name", Oforiwa made those around notice me. They shouted and stood up to clap.
"Get up and go! ", she was now annoying me. I didn't want it and didn't want to mount the stage. Two girls from nowhere held my arms for me to stand then led me through the crowd as they clapped.
"Make way for the new dinning hall prefect ", someone shouted from the crowd while these girls led me to the stage.
I was signaled to sit by Betty my main.

'What the hell! Who could have done this to me. I really feel like crying. The others were so excited as they kept smiling. I barely knew them but yet I school with them and now I'm kinda part of them "prefectships". I tried to remind myself.
"They will now come one after the other to say a few words", the headmaster finally said.

They all actually planned for this since they had hope and faith to win but not me. I was the next to speak when Mrs. Amoako interrupted," we are behind time so let's welcome our head girl to summarize everything for us".
Thank you God, but daddy I'm very angry at you. Maame Afriyie basically matched her title "Head Girl". She spoke words of encouragement and support on behalf of us all.
' why us? I'm not part of them? '
Baby girl actually you are now so deal with it.

"Devotion is over so move to your classrooms now. ", Mr. Headmaster as everyone calls him said.

I got up so angrily and walked to class but some girls stopped me on the way to congratulate me. Madam Patience was already seated before we entered.
We all greeted then sat afterwards.
"Why are some faces moody, others happy and the rest too just hungry looking", she asked.
"We have a dhp in our class ", Andrea said.
"Wow, and who is that? ",
"Mika!!!!", I bowed down my head in frustration.
"Congratulations Mika, do you know they asked me about giving it to you", she added.
Now she really had my attention.
"Are you surprised? Well don't be. I told them you are capable and can handle it knowing how obedient and hardworking you are. You are brave but have no idea about it do you? ",
I shook my head.
"Don't worry you'll be fine, if you need any help or advice just come to me okay", she smiled and begun her lesson.

I kinda felt some form of relief but still have a lot to learn about my new position. I know the dhp is supposed to make sure everyone has food on their table, they make us rise for the first and last grace(prayer) then go back to their classrooms to learn afterwards . Yeah! That's all I know and hope that's everything to it.

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