Everything is so annoying.

9 1 1

My eyes are widely opened but I don't want to get up rather go back to dreaming about beautiful non-stressful things. I'm seeing today as it gonna be so long of a day. It's making me regret everything that has happened.

I took my bath with Salomey at dawn so I'm left with dressing up. Molly woke up, tried climbing down when she slipped and fell making me look down at her in shock. I went over, helped her up as she sat on my bed but she didn't look good. Even in the darkness she wasn't the happy Molly I knew. So I asked, "what's wrong?"
"I don't know but my head kepts spinning plus my body hurts. My mouth feels sour", she wiped her legs with her handkerchief.
"I can't conclude but I think you have malaria since you have some signs and symptoms of it. Today you need to see the nurse at the sick bay OK? "
She nodded ,moved over for her sponge bag and went straight to take her morning bath.

Devotion was lead by our incoming library prefect Christabelle, we haven't actually been handed over to but we are working at our various posts and that reminds me. Mavis! She's so annoying, I can't think of how I'm gonna put up with her shitty behavior but anyway I have to try.

We moved back to class to find an empty room. For almost an hour now the teacher hasn't arrived, he rather sent a student to let us know there would be a test so we should prepare for it.

The class became noisy since almost everyone was happy. Of course I'm part of the happy folks, why shouldn't I be? The teacher not coming to lecture or teach just makes the beginning of the day beautiful. I slept for that time left before the alarm went for breakfast.

"Hey! Hey! Mika! Dhp! Wake up, your post awaits! ", Andrea poked me on the shoulder.

"Obaa(girl) get up, can't you see we're hungry?", Oforiwaa added her voice to annoy me the most.
I took in a deep breath and got up. Those left in the class haled me as I moved out.
These funny girls don't know what I'm into to even comfort me for what is to come.

The hall was full now, on the menu was white porridge with milk. The tin of milk is always supposed to be placed on the table but not poured into the food.

Everyone was excited about white porridge so they bought bread to enjoy it with. I on the other hand hated it but drink it only if I'm super hungry plus if I don't have enough money on me. Sis Mavis was on the stage shouting her intestines out to control the crowd here in the dinning hall. Sis Augustina just leaned on one of the pillars and left everything for her. I saw it to be a cheat since Sis Mavis had to do all the work but not having any help.

"Hey you! Why are you just standing there, tell them to shout up", she commanded.


"No! no! Me", everyone present begun to laugh making me feel humiliated.

"Will they shut up, herr everyone kneel down", she looked angry.

"How dare you laugh at your incoming dinning hall prefect. How dare you all, you will kneel till she tells you to get up", she added.

"We beg you Sis Mika! ", they all sung like kindergarten children.

A moment ago I felt humiliated but now all I feel is joy as they kept singing the chorus. I was feeling big till I shouted, "I've forgiven you so get up".

"Thank you ", they smiled and rubbed their palms on their knees to clean any trace of dirt.

They drunk their porridge in peace and left the place looking neat.

"Herr you there, come over here! ", the shitty Dhp commanded with the most annoying voice ever. I walked up to her and looked down since there would be more embarrassment coming.

"You need to man-up and control them, I can't always be here to do that for you. But the way where are your partners?",
It hadn't occurred to me that they weren't here with me but all the same I barely know them.

"I don't know please ", I looked at her.

"How come you don't know, you should know! ",She left me in the empty hall looking stupid.

Class had already begun before I entered.

"Who do you think you are to enter the class while I'm teaching! Move out! ", she shouted making everyone look so sorry for me.

I quickly walked back to the veranda to wait for her to call me back but she didn't. I stood outside listening to her teach till it was time for her to leave. I'm feeling so tired of standing first throughout dinning and now one and half hours of class. She arranged her books and made one of us follow her with them. The look she gave me before he left said a lot.

So Sis Mavis hates me and now madam is trying to do same. I'm I that bad of a person because I can't handle hate.

Almost forgot, Molly is supposed to go see the nurse today I pray she gets better soon. I entered the class as faces staring at me like they are sorry for me in a way. I don't want people pitying me, it makes me feel weak.

The class ended with economics class were almost everyone was fast asleep but still this man was teaching. He didn't care about it at all. Lunch was rice with beans, a special combination which drove students crazy. Mavis was as usual sitting on the stage this time around with the other prefects with about five pantry bowls on the table. I greeted them as I entered and walked to the second entrance as that was my post. It's been a while since I saw my partners, it felt like they had left the insults and everything to me to handle. 

"Today you are going to conduct dinning for me to watch you and we shall see from there", Sis Mavis was now face to face to me.

I felt the air in my lungs reduce gradually. I wanted to protest but she was long gone.

There was a loud noise from the banging of the pole to inform the population that it was time for lunch. The hall was full within a few minutes since they looked very hungry and couldn't wait for the food to be consumed.

"Mika?", Sis Mavis eyed me.

This is my queue to start something which won't end well, with my head down like I'm counting the number of steps I'm taking I got to the stage and faced the hungry crowd. In other words 'hunger girls ', I cleared my throat and said" please rise for the first grace".

They all stood and watched me as I begun to shake uncontrollably, "eyes close and hands together ".

I'm really trying to remember the lines to which Sis Mavis has been saying before they share the grace.

"The first grace?", I forced the words out.

"Dear Lord make this food whole and may we feel your presence as we eat. Amen", they all said and sat to share.

I walked down the stage staring at Sis Augustina who was busy laughing at me.

"Did you really think this was an easy job?", she asked.

"I knew you guys just tell them to say the grace and leave when everyone left but it doesn't look like that anymore ", I'm now sad.

"Look at you, how funny can you be! It's not easy at all and I'm glad my prayers came to pass. ", she smiled.

" And those are? ", I glared at her.

"That you take my place as the dhp of course ", my smile disappeared after hearing this.

"You're very wicked to pray such a prayer. I never liked this post or ever dreamt of having it and here I am feeling so angry with myself because I have it not knowing you were wishing me bad luck all along, isn't it? ", I now looked pissed.

"You really feel bad for having it don't you?  Well it's a good thing you do so enjoy it while it lasts okay? ", she rubbed my back as she hugged me.

I'm actually out of words so I just hug her back and smile at me saying 'yes' to this annoying position. Lord I'm sorry I haven't being happy about what you have miraculously done for me but in a way I see it to be you making me see light at the end of a dark tunnel because I know this will make me aware of things I have never expected to know of. I'm grateful Lord.

The dorms were now being opened by the incoming house prefects so had to wait awhile.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2020 ⏰

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