chapter 1

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chapter 1 (edited)

Not sure if I said anything but i'll put a random picture above. Just because.
MASON'S pov.

This school is crap.

Who the hell names a school "Bob Bylth High School"? What the fuck is a 'Bylth'? It sounds like filth. I hate this place. But I guess we all have to deal with it.

The first semester of my senior year in this hell just started around 3 weeks ago. Imagine being in a school called filth. Sorry I meant Bylth. Luckily my two friends and I only have 4 classes so we can leave during lunch.

I'm sitting here in my 4th period taking notes on this lesson mindlessly really not taking in any of the information that I'm writing and waiting for this bell to leave. I hear someone enter the class from the front but dont bother to look up as I space out storing at the desk in front of me.


Unfortunately for me, my friends decided to skip school today so I really have nowhere else to go or anyone else to see so I'm walking to my car and getting ready to go home. I was going to skip with them but I skipped school with them yesterday and I can't afford to fail any of these classes. I've been doing pretty shitty these past few years and I promised myself and my mom that I would try this year. It's only the beginning of the year though... so let's see how long that will last me.

Walking up to my car, my pride and joy, I open the backseat to leave my bag in and go to the driver's seat to go home. This car was the first thing I bought myself with the money I earned at my first job (and current job) as a tattoo artist. Growing up my family never really had a lot of spending money and knowing that I had saved enough money saved up to buy myself the used car of my dreams was definitely an amazing feeling. I got this job as a beginner tattoo artist last summer so I've had the job for more than a year now and I would say I'm not a beginner anymore. I do remember the nerves I had when I tattooed my first person though. After months of training on fruit and pigskin, Julia, my boss, gave me my first real customer. It was a simple tattoo and I ended up doing well for my first time.


Only a few blocks away from my house I see a moving truck on a pretty big house near mine. I wonder if they're moving here or moving away. Oh well, I'm sure I'll never meet them anyways. Whoever they are.

I get home and run up the stairs to my room. I know I said before that I didn't have much money growing but after my dad left us when I was 13, my mother got her life together and found a good job that could support all of us. She went to law school in college so she's a lawyer now. When she was with my dad she didn't have a job. The only clear memories of my dad were when he would beat and abuse my mom. I never cared for him. He was always just rash in the way of all of us and that was proved when our lives became so much better when he left. My mom and I now live peacefully in a nice house. That bastard really was just dead weight on our backs.

I drop my bag on the table beside my bed and get ready to go to the gym. I work by appointments now so I build my time around school and my clients. Today I have the luxury of having time to go to the gym. I don't have my friends with me today so I have the privilege of being alone with my thoughts as I workout.


I'm home now and I feel dead. I did a full-body workout today and I feel good but tired. I started by running to the gym as a warmup because It's only 2.4 miles from my house and when I got there, I did legs, shoulders, calves, and abs. To cool down I walked home. Here in California, it's basically always hot but today there was a slight breeze. I always feel a sort of high when I work out. And I love feeling the accomplishment I feel afterward. I go to the bathroom to wash the sweat off my face and change into the dirty-ish clothes I was wearing earlier. I would take a shower but I'm going to cook and I dont want to smell like food when I go to sleep. My body has already cooled down during my walk so I'm not sweating anymore. It's still sort of hot though. I'm considering just taking off my shirt and just wearing an apron.

The first year we were on our own we moved in with my grandma on my mom's side. It took my mom a little more than a year to get a steady income and good money coming in. But that one year I spent with my grandma (I still visit her) she taught me how to cook. My mom's side of the family is Italian and my grandma grew up in Italy so she speaks English with a very heavy accent. She moved here with my grandpa when she was pregnant with my mom. She taught my mom Italian and then they taught me. Anyways, I think I know my grandma's recipes better than my mom does. This is why I'm usually the one who cooks. Right now I'm making carbonara pasta, one of my mom's favorites.

When I finish cooking, per usual I make a plate for my mom and keep it in the microwave to keep it from cooling down too fast and I eat my food in the kitchen alone wondering when she'll come home and what my day will look like tomorrow.


I hope you guys like the first chapter of "Jade Eyes". The next chapter will be written from Jade's point of view. Hopefully, in time the chapters will get longer. Thank you for giving this book a chance.

(This chapter is edited. Those of you who remember how Mason was before the edit... no you don't) :)

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