chapter 9

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chapter 9

(3 Weeks Later)
Jade's POV

      Its a new day and finally... ITS FRIDAY!! I look at the clock and see that i'm running late for school. I decide to skip breakfast, take a banana, and just get dressed. I put on my favorite green flowery dress, add a thick black belt, white oldskool vans, and get going.


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      We've all been hanging out together as a group now. Eli, Carter, Jessie, Hunter, Mason, and I is what I mean.

      Mason stayed true to his word and tutored me. We would also sometimes do the whole tutoring thing on the weekends but most of the time the rest of the group would want to hang out. Sometimes he would even help me out and vice versa for our other classes. Seeing as though we have the same classes.

       In the beginning I thought it would a nightmare being in his classes due to how rude he was to me. But now that we've been spending time together I realize that he's not at all of what i've heard about him. He still acts the same in the sense of not caring but he's not nearly as rude and mean as he was before. He has him moments sometimes but he always apologizes after. I see it in his eyes that he feels that he HAS to say sorry. Like he felt guilty about something that happened before. I was going to ask him about it the other day but it felt too personal.

Right now all of us are walking to psychology and we're all nervous. The teacher said we have a big test today that covers everything we've learned which should be to much because it's still pretty early in the semester. For me, this is going to determine how much Mason has helped me with. We walked into the class with the test already on our desks and and the teacher eyeing all of us to make sure we have nothing on us to help us cheat. Here we go.


      Since our test is timed, we only get 30 minutes leaving Mr. Bails a little more than 25 minutes to grade them and pass them back out. At this point we've all finished our test and are talking waiting for him to pass them out.

Many painful minutes pass until he stands up and says "I was very surprised when i saw the results. Most of you did extremely well while others... let's just say we have some areas we can improve on." We all chuckle and let him continue. "I was very impressed by three students in particular. All three landing a perfect score being Lana, Mason, and Jade. Congratulations to those three. When the bell rings come up and take your paper.

Only like four seconds pass before the bell rings. Mason's paper and mine are on top and I pass him his paper and walk into the hallway. I tried not to cause a scene during class but I can't hold it in anymore.


(Same Time)
Mason's POV

I'm still impressed by myself and my score. When I heard Mr. Bails congratulate us- I don't know... it just felt good. I felt actually happiness when I heard Jade's name too. It means I actually helped her.

Everybody walked out already and it was just me and Jade left. She passes me my paper and walks out. I follow her out to the main hall because we are on our way to lunch. The rest of the group is waiting for us on the other side by the door ready to go to the mall or wherever they want to eat.

Jade is walking slow looking like she having an inner battle until she finally turns around to look at me. We are at least 7 feet apart when she smiles brightly at me and I smile back. I flinch a little when see her speeding at me. She jump into my arms that I didn't know were open and wraps her legs around me.

The way I got into the position I was with her was a blur, but my left hand is on her lower back and my right hand is on her ass. Something about her being in my arms like this seems so natural to me. I can hear her voice in the background saying something along the lines of "your the reason I got this score" "thank you so much" or whatever but my mental state of mind has never felt more at peace.

It isn't until she starts to remove her legs from me that I realize that we're at school in front of everybody. I can feel all of the eyes on us but I can't help but stare into her eyes. Her gorgeous jade green eyes. We are standing in front of each other staring into each other's eyes hand in hand and I can't remember how we got here. I can feel in my chest that being with her is my safe place. And by the way she's looking at me, I think she feels the same way.

I feel someone tapping my shoulder behind me and I turn around slowing taking my hand away from hers and I see the group looking at us impatiently and that when I remember that we are at school in front of everybody.


(Panda Express 5 min later)
Jade's POV

We're all eating at Panda Express in our normal seating arrangement Me in front of Mason, Eli in front of... blah blah blah.

      The entire time here Mason and I end up playing the i'm looking at you but when you look I look away game. Y'know? Only this time Mason is the one trying not to get caught. It was real in the beginning until it became an actual game.

      Right now I feel him looking at me. I play dumb for a few seconds and move my head really fast catching him. When I do catch him he acts shocked and I start laughing. He laughs too. This time it's different. It's a completely different side of him. Normally it's just a chuckle or sometimes even a small laugh but no, this time, it's a wholehearted, deep, loud laugh. His laugh makes me laugh even harder and it just a back and forth thing for at least 2 minutes. When we finally finish we just stare at each other. Again. His beautiful blue eyes are mesmerizing. Although it might seem weird just staring into each other eyes, I don't care. And I don't think he does either. I feel fully at peace with him. We aren't talking but it's not an awkward silence. It's a peaceful silence. Like we've had an unbreakable bond for years.


This one might be my favorite chapter yet 🥺🥺. I think they're going somewhere. I already have idea for the next chapter but it might take me a little while. Not too long but not right after this one is out. Please understand.

Nahhhh it's just a joke

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Nahhhh it's just a joke. I saw it and I thought I was funny so here it is. I love all of you and thank you for reading my story. 🥰💕

Word Count: 1212

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