chapter 11

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(Same day at the carnival)
Jade's POV.

We've been here for a few hours and it's insane. This place is huge. This is less than a carnival and more like an amusement park.

      There are mini games and rollercoaster everywhere. I've never been to something like this. There's also food everywhere.

      But I feel kind of bad because Mason has been spoiling me all night. If I even glance towards any type of food or sweet, he'll buy it for me. And if I look at any stuffed animal, he'll offer to win it for me. It's sweet but I like he's treating me like his responsibility and I also don't like the fact that he's spending all this money on me.

      Right now, we're standing at opposite sides of each other. Everyone is in between us at the moment, and I don't know why it bothers me. I don't know why HE is all I can think of.

      "I have to go to the restroom, does any one else have to go?" I say.

      After that, apparently the whole group had to go. Which was fine with me, but if they all had to go, why was I the only one who said something.

      We all went to the restroom and me and Mason were the first ones to come out. We waited for the others quietly stealing glances from each other. I can tell that he's nervous and I giggle. Partly because i'm nervous too.

      "Hmmm what's so funny" he says with a smirk and a slight blush.

      "Nothing nothing" I say still giggling.

      "Oh come on, you can tell me" He begs.

      "I'm serious, it's nothing" I say with a playful smile. As soon as I finished my sentence I could hear Hunter and Eli coming out.

"What are you guys talking about" Eli says.

"Nothing much" replies Mason still blushing from before.

"Aww, why are your cheeks all pink? Looks like someone has a crush" Hunter teases Mason. Crush on who? Who is she? Is she going to take Mason from us? I thought Mason doesn't date.

"Shut up Hunter" Mason and Eli say at the same time. Why does Eli look upset?

The girls finally come out of the bathroom and they decided on going on a roller coaster. We've been here for a few hours but we still haven't gone on a roller coaster yet. I've kept saying no but I don't want to ruin their fun so I hesitantly said yes.

"You don't have to go on the rides if you don't want to Jade, I can stay here with you while they go on those rides" Mason says.

"Yes please" I whispered toward him while nodding lightly.

"Okay, Jade and I are going to go look at the other things they have here, you guys can go do what you do" Mason said. And it doesn't help Eli's frown and he stays silent. They walk off and Mason starts walking in one direction.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Toward the prize games" he told me in a 'duh' tone.

"Oh ok" I responded quietly. He put out his hand for me to grab and I took it. We walked hand in hand around the carnival and he continued to spoil me. We got cotton candy, ice cream, popcorn, and all the junk you eat at carnival. Best of all he won me a bear. It was a teddy bear wearing a brown beret and a matching scarf with an army green coat. We named him Sargent Berry.


      "We can go on one roller coaster if you want, so you can try it. And since the carnival will be closing for the night soon we can go on the ferris wheel at the end. Only if you want to of course." Mason said.

      "Umm I don't know Mason... The rides look kinda big. Maybe too big" I said while staring wide eyes at the ride in front of us.

      "You don't have to but i'll be here with you the whole time and I promise I won't let anything happen to you."

      "You promise?" I said with puppy eyes. He nods his head and I grab his hand and start walking to the entrance of the ride.


       We have been wait in line for a little while now and it's our turn to go next. I look at Mason with a scared look on my face. He offers a small warm smile and squeezes my hand. He walks me onto the seat and ties me in and then himself.

      "I'm pretty sure that's the workers job" I laugh. He stays quiet and laughs too. The people who check the seatbelts and stuff finally finish and the ride starts to move. I'm ready to cry but I want to prove to myself that i'm a big girl. I'm shaking but at least i'm not crying. I tightly grab onto Masons hand with the same scared face from before but when I look at him he has the biggest smile on his. He has a beautiful smile.

      "Are you ready!?" Mason shouts excitedly to me.

      I shake me head saying no and he laughs. 

      "I'm right here with you. I promised that you'll be fine. Now, the drop is coming so raise your hands and and scream when it comes okay?" He yells over the loud tacking noise.

      This time I nod my head and raise my hands when we get to the top. He raises his hands too and holds mine.

      We make our way down the giant drop and a few more twists and turns until we finally get off.

      He gets off laughing and I get off laughing but still scared.

      "I told you it'd be fun" he says STILL laughing.

      "It was scary, but it was fun" I respond

      "I knew you could do it" He said while pulling me into a hug.

      "I haven't been on a ride since I came with my brother years ago" he says.

      "You have a brother?" I asked confused

      His wide smile turns into a frown as he says "had". "But let's not talk about that right now we should probably meet up with the rest of the group. When we find them we can go on the ferris wheel". he says seconds later.

      I don't want to push him to talk to me but i'll ask him about it later. We walk away from the ride still hand in hand while we call the others.


Hi everyone, thank you to everyone who is patiently waiting. The next chapter will hopefully be the final chapter of the carnival and then we'll see what comes next. Don't forget to vote for this chapter and I hope you enjoyed. 💕

Word Count: 1137

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